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Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:51 pm
by sirdir

I have a strange problem with my ps4 in relation with the mikrotik router (ros 6.7)
Internetconnection works fine so far (web surfing with the ps 4 etc.) but everything related to PSN breaks on a regular basis. Just can't connect.
When I reboot the mikrotik, it works again for some hours, then the problems start again...
I can only imagine there's some incompatibility on NAT level.. any ideas?

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 6:57 pm
by samsung172
how about your upnp setting?

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 11:22 pm
by karina
Make sure the required ports are forwarded to your console ip address a quick google will list them all

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:56 am
by c0d3rSh3ll
Enable upnp and try.

Send from my mobile phone using Tapatalk.

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:01 pm
by sirdir
Tried upnp, didn't really change anything.

The list of ports to forward I found is rather ridiculous, I'm absolutely not going to forward port 80 to my playstation! nor 443...

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:03 pm
by uldis
enable the upnp,debug logging and check if the dynamic port mapping is added or not. When it stops working check if there is some new mapping added or not.

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:51 pm
by DWJ
In order for PS3/4 to work correctly you must open the following ports.

This is covered in a lot of posts about the play station and on there website.

If you do not wish to open a port, the the PS will not work.

TCP PORTS: 80; 443; 465; 983; 5223; 10070; 10080
UDP PORTS: 3478; 3479; 3658; 10070

If you also have XBOX, then these ports:

53 UDP and TCP 80 TCP 88 UDP 3074 UDP and TCP

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:09 am
by Will
In order for PS3/4 to work correctly you must open the following ports.

This is covered in a lot of posts about the play station and on there website.

If you do not wish to open a port, the the PS will not work.

TCP PORTS: 80; 443; 465; 983; 5223; 10070; 10080
UDP PORTS: 3478; 3479; 3658; 10070

If you also have XBOX, then these ports:

53 UDP and TCP 80 TCP 88 UDP 3074 UDP and TCP

can i just open upnp i/o open above ports?

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:59 pm
by janisk
with upnp device will request to open all the ports it requires.

all the dynamic nat rules can be seen via this command:
/ip firewall nat print dynamic

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:36 am
by spire2z
I think you may find it's because the ps4 will not work when a DNS proxy is used. If you manually set a real DNS server like then it will work. So go to custom setup. Use DHCP by all means but just set the DNS statically.

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 8:27 pm
by sirdir
In order for PS3/4 to work correctly you must open the following ports.

This is covered in a lot of posts about the play station and on there website.

If you do not wish to open a port, the the PS will not work.

TCP PORTS: 80; 443; 465; 983; 5223; 10070; 10080
UDP PORTS: 3478; 3479; 3658; 10070

If you also have XBOX, then these ports:

53 UDP and TCP 80 TCP 88 UDP 3074 UDP and TCP
I have no problems *opening* a port (inside out) I have a problem FORWARDING port 80 to my PS4. What if I wish to run a webserver?
And, how can I forward Port 80 to the PS4 if I need to forward it to the XBOX as well?

Thanks for spire2z's hint, I'll try that. Actually I even forwarded all the mentioned ports, as my webserver isn't running on port 80 right now but I still find it ridiculous.


Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 1:44 am
by ditonet
I have a problem FORWARDING port 80 to my PS4. What if I wish to run a webserver?
Check router's 'IP/Services', probably WWW is enabled.
Disable WWW service (Webfig) or change port used by it.


Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 2:12 pm
by sirdir
I have a problem FORWARDING port 80 to my PS4. What if I wish to run a webserver?
Check router's 'IP/Services', probably WWW is enabled.
Disable WWW service (Webfig) or change port used by it.

Misunderstanding. It's not that I have a problem technically, but I don't WANT to forward port 80 to a game console. It's for my webserver, not a stupid game console.

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:54 am
by spire2z
In order for PS3/4 to work correctly you must open the following ports.

This is covered in a lot of posts about the play station and on there website.

If you do not wish to open a port, the the PS will not work.

TCP PORTS: 80; 443; 465; 983; 5223; 10070; 10080
UDP PORTS: 3478; 3479; 3658; 10070

If you also have XBOX, then these ports:

53 UDP and TCP 80 TCP 88 UDP 3074 UDP and TCP
I have no problems *opening* a port (inside out) I have a problem FORWARDING port 80 to my PS4. What if I wish to run a webserver?
And, how can I forward Port 80 to the PS4 if I need to forward it to the XBOX as well?

Thanks for spire2z's hint, I'll try that. Actually I even forwarded all the mentioned ports, as my webserver isn't running on port 80 right now but I still find it ridiculous.

Ive delt with customers that had this problem and the DNS was the issue. They didn't need any port forwards in order to play games. But I do think UPNP was enabled when I was on support!

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:16 am
by Beccara
We've had reports of the same with Ps4 and XboxOne, Changing the dns server on the console to use the BIND Dns server directly rather than the Mikrotik DNS server fixed things for them. We haven't gotten to the bottom of it yet

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:18 pm
by spire2z
If you think about it it makes sense.

The makers of the consoles are worried about spoofing of their update servers etc to find exploits so have ways to detect proxys.

Any proxy will cause a problem. Its also the same for geographic video services from TV stations that are not allowed to be viewed outside the geographic area.

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:52 am
by Dundy
Sirdir, have you been able to make this work?

I have the same problem.

How can I give the PS4's IP address "DMZ" status? (RB951G-2HnD)

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:34 pm
by sirdir
@spire2z I disagree, doesn't really make sense. It's as easy to spoof with a bind as with a proxy... so there's no security gained.

@dundy: I haven't been using the ps4 much lately. I think it works now, not sure because I changed the dns or because I made those stupid port forward (I sill can't believe one has to forward port 80 to a gameconsole...)

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:17 pm
by koshak83

I have a strange problem with my ps4 in relation with the mikrotik router (ros 6.7)
Internetconnection works fine so far (web surfing with the ps 4 etc.) but everything related to PSN breaks on a regular basis. Just can't connect.
When I reboot the mikrotik, it works again for some hours, then the problems start again...
I can only imagine there's some incompatibility on NAT level.. any ideas?
I use RB951G-2HnD + PS3 & PS4- no problem, no disconnects, no lags.
I think disconnects reason is- works on PSN. Its not NAT: i use sometimes PS4 on NAT 1 (real static IP, no router), NAT 2 (real static IP + RB) & NAT 3 (ISP LAN private IP + RB)- works good.

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:42 am
by spire2z
@spire2z I disagree, doesn't really make sense. It's as easy to spoof with a bind as with a proxy... so there's no security gained.

@dundy: I haven't been using the ps4 much lately. I think it works now, not sure because I changed the dns or because I made those stupid port forward (I sill can't believe one has to forward port 80 to a gameconsole...)
You may be right. it was just the best theory I had. Not using the DNS proxy deffo solves the ps4 prob though.

I suppose detecting proxys may be done for other reasons too. But probably due to how easy it is to do a DNS entry on a routers dns proxy is the reason. The average kid is not going to setup bind every day but easily has access to dns proxy.

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:21 am
by BanjoJay
Has anyone gotten this to work. I been trying to connect my XBOX one up and have try UPnP, forwarding ports, and changing DNS. My NAT settings are always strict. My old netgear router had no problem connecting open. Is there anything else left to try?

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:32 am
by BanjoJay
Has there been any solution for this yet? I have been trying to connect my XBOX one up with no luck. The NAT is always strict no matter what I do. I have try UPnP, forwarding ports, changing DNS, etc and nothing works.

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:46 pm
by Egate
Any body solved this? From what i gather this is because of double natting or because a client does not have a public ip. Sure public ip would resolve this, but this means you would have to have few 100 publick ip's.

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:05 pm
by Zorro
switching to another UPnP implementation at cost of security can solve that problem, but hardly many customers welcome such move, IMO.
as you noticed, its PSN-specific issues, not UPnP itself, related to PSN(not only SOE but Microsoft too, if you interested)lunacy to gain Direct connect to device. so its more make sense to request at PSN resources.

Re: Incompatibility with ps4?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:38 pm
by elpamyelhsa
I've been trying to figure this problem out for the last week. Funny that switching to OpenDNS server resolves the issues but my external traffic is routed incorrectly because of it.
It looks like the IPv6 package that is causing problems. The PS4 seems to be very active in using IPv6 if supported on RouterOS but my ISP does not support it yet so its causing issues.
If IPv6 is found on the network the PS4 will not map the uPnP ports for IPv4
I've disabled the IPv6 package and its currently working again. Ill update if any further problems.

Problem has come back, so not IPv6.

Problem has been found to be something to do with DNS-proxy. Changing local DNS of PS4 to point to my ISP DNS Server and not my RouterOS DNS Server solves the issues without having to use OpenDNS servers. Its been working for days now.