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Effectiveness of a script policy? Scheduler policy?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:08 pm
by elgo

I just wrote a short script to refresh the SMTP server IP address from its FQDN (since routerOS won't access anything except an @IP...), and see something strange: script policy is "read,test", but it still can change email server setup when run directly from CLI...
name="script-SMTPrefresh" owner="elgo" policy=read,test last-started=mar/20/2012 12:56:12 run-count=4
       # refresh SMTP server address used for email notifications
       # because email parameter can't be a FQDN but only an IP address
       :local smtp [:resolve ("")]
       /tool e-mail set address=$smtp
       :log info ("SMTP server updated: ".$smtp)

Why is this script behaving like it has "write" policy applied? Are script policies even effective?

Now, another question: what does a scheduler policy mean? Why would it be different from the script it runs?

Re: Effectiveness of a script policy? Scheduler policy?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:10 pm
by leonset
Maybe it's because it needs to "write" a value into the smtp variable.

The only policies that I really use are "reboot" and "sensitive", the later to hide it from exports if the contain any kind of sensitive data like passwords, local IP's or whatever.

Re: Effectiveness of a script policy? Scheduler policy?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:59 pm
by elgo
Maybe it's because it needs to "write" a value into the smtp variable.
I may have not been really clear: my script should need the "write" policy (it changes a parameter value), but it hasn't, and still behave like it has it (since the value is finally changed).

Re: Effectiveness of a script policy? Scheduler policy?

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:51 am
by elgo
OK, so as far as I can see, nobody uses "scheduler policy" or "script policy" features, because, let's try to guess, it's not working the way it's supposed to be? Because as it's not a widely used feature, so as it usually happens in MT world, regressions aren't detected before long and nobody cares fixing them before even longer?
I know it's "only" supposed to be a security feature, but still, I don't get it.

Somehow it reminds me of the "VLAN-MODE" switch chip feature that you "should" set to "fallback" and not "secure" or... you'll get serious issues.

Re: Effectiveness of a script policy? Scheduler policy?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 11:47 am
by ManyX
I wants to add the policy to my client devices schedulers by automat

When I import by hand file with policy is work
import file-name=file.rsc
when I write script to upload script from ftp server to change policy
it DON'T WORK!!!
/tool fetch upload=no mode=ftp ascii=no address= user=ftp password=ftp src-path=file.rsc dst-path=file.rsc;
import file-name=file.rsc;
/system scheduler set scheduler1 policy=sniff,telnet;
I am increasingly convinced that the ROS is like Swiss cheese full of holes