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Guest network SSID or Hotspot?

Tue Feb 28, 2023 5:57 pm

I am helping a local charitable organization with their network. They currently allow members of the public coming to their facility to use their WiFi. However, there are few controls on the Guest WiFi and it is generally poorly configured.

I would like to use RouterOS with CAPSMAN and a couple CAP XL ac units as the underlying hardware. After that, I want to setup an internal WiFi network for staff use alongside the WiFi for public use.

I would like the public experience to be that they are told an SSID to connect to and be shown a terms and conditions page. They would click “accept” be able to use the guest wifi for internet access, subject to the hour of day and bandwidth restrictions we’d place on such users. In the backend, it would be nice to have the ability to set up a MAC address deny list to deal with bad actors, at least on the short term. The key is that I do not want to have to hand out individual username/passwords manually. At the same time, we’d have some control over users beyond simply changing a PSK on the SSID.

Is it practical to use Hotspot in this way? Or is this overkill and I should just stick with the traditional guest network setup? (I still need hour of day and bandwidth restrictions though) Figure that the entire guest user base is less than 1000 users with 50 or so simultaneous users at peak.

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