yes, the screen time technically works, but my wife always extends time for my daughter, and my girl now can figure out the password.Why not to use built-in ios screen time?
localforwarding will increase 2M/s, with fast forward on, i give up, it should be the limit of wap ac.With Local forwarding and Fastpath active on bridge?
Only Hardware queue on WiFi Interfaces?
crs326 too with s+rj10, without any visual improvement, i tested on every beta, now it's 6.44beta40, do you reset the switch or do something particular?I get around 960mbit up and Down from the crs326 with 6.44beta20 so no speed issues anymore
I want to inform you that we are aware of 10G to 1G performance problem on CRS3xx devices and currently are working on new software fixes for better buffer allocation.
Sorry I missed that part, admin-mac was different. and I have updated the post.both APs have the same BridgeLocal admin mac?