Current issue aside I just wish that they would start using more respectable domains names for this dynamic DNS service. and sound more like highly suspicious chinese spam operation than reliable DNS service. Maybe something with their main brand domain like: ns1.dyn.mi...
What is the static arp entrie for? Disable detect-internet. Disable flow controll. Keep the fasttrack rules. Did you try a different port? Try the ethernet1/mgmt/boot port without adding it to the bridge or any of the other ports. Disable capsman and try again? Or remove the capsman from the bridge ...
No overthinking needed. It's dead simple, all the traffic to youtube, facebook can be identified by their ip address. Just go to hurricane electric and search for facebook/youtube/google and get the subnet lists there. Make an address list of all of those and use mangle to mark packets/co...
Please do not ask for details on the previous post. MikroTik has already been informed about the problem by my distributor, some years ago, but it seems in vain. It is simply better to disable it and make it useless rather than delete it... So not you, but your distributor...sure. Got it. Bravo... ...
No, that is a bug. It is not related to the logging, it is just that you now see what is happening. Ever since using v7 connected to v6 I have seen those issues... You are right, I hadn't noticed because this is a service line, not in production, (otherwise I wouldn't have installed the 7.16 that j...
You don't have to use the terminal, just make a script and run it from the mikrotik app on the phone or webfig/winbox. add /tool wol interface=bridge mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX in a script and just hit the run script button. /system script add source="/tool wol interface=bridge mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX "...
ip 301.102.XX.20 is not a valid one, you can't change it to that. src-nat is the correct action, check the order of other nat rules and move the new one up on top.
I have some running and we had no issues, except with one that bricked itself during an update some years ago more then once but netinstall of an older version got it back up and I have been able to update after without issues. Has been running since and current uptime is 387d 12:53:32 with 6.49.6 C...
I had a similar issue, direct connection to server (fedora) = full speed but via the 2004 low upload speed. Turned out we had to tune the buffers or some other setting on the linux server to fix it. The guy that did it got fired from that company shortly after so I never got a chance to talk to him,...
This is because rextended, you never learn. What is happening here again? You start anotherr offtopic with all the complaining.
And I have to delete this post too, since it is off topic.
make sure your scan list only has the frequencies that are on the APs, the smaller the scan list, the faster the scan time. Make sure station-roaming is enabled on the ac2. I would set the 3 AP frequencies to 5180, 5200, 5220 and the scan list on the ac2 to 5180,5200,5220 that should speed up the pr...
Mine have a weird issue where they stop switching randomly, if I disable HW switching it starts working over the CPU. If I enable HW switching on bride port back it stops. Only a reboot helps. But none of them reset themselves.
Security issues aside from running a random program, you can't do this without understanding what the commands do. And you will have issues like with banking and stuff that expects the same src-ip to multiple dst-ips. I did the same thing 10+ years ago with 5 uplinks and it was such a pain. The setu...
From my testing you should be able to push ~300Mbit/s or so over the CPU, a firewall rule/nat would push the CPU to 100%, it is a switch after all. Is hardware acceleration enabled on the bride interfaces? Export your config and post it in the code tags. Make sure you use hide-sensitive to hide any ...
use find this will remove all leases, including dynamic ones /ip dhcp-server lease remove [find] something like this to find leases with a specific adress /ip dhcp-server lease remove [find where where address=insert-ip] all available options .dead agent-circuit-id dhcp-option-set radius .id agent-r...
Yeah, static arp entries, remove them all and let arp do its thing. Clear firewall, if it is bridged, what is the point of having rules for the forwarding chain?
Try mac-ping to mac of the gateway if it's a mikrotik. Clear static entries on the gateway if you have any.
just do a router on a stick setup, plug in a 10g switch on one port of a 1036, do some vlans and be done with it. have 2x2004 and it's not wort the hassle, I'm on 6.47.10 and random reboots are going strong. I will not be upgrading to 6.48.5 or 6.49 due to long boot times on routers, so can't test f...
I run scheduled reboots on my own 2004s, rebooting them at 03:45 every 3 days to make sure no random reboot happens during peak times. Helps a bunch in controlling and preventing those random reboots. Do not buy them , reboots are sporadic, get something else like 1036 with a 328 for the ports, 2004...
I had a simple config for queue tree, pcq and mangle on the CCR1036. Most basic stuff just to limit bandwidth. Once the bandwidth went above 1G (most likely ~1370Mbit/s or so) we hit a limit for single core performance on our CCR and I had the same problems. So what I did was create more of the same...
I'm also using Mellanox ConnectX-3 (and some older ConnectX-2) cards, they are working perfectly fine with no additional cooling in my PCs or Workstations. What modules are you using with them? Do generic 10G ones from or maxlink work? Any recommendations for cheaper 10G NIC with a single po...
Hello Folks! We experience hardware stability issues with Dynadish 5. About 25% of the time after a normal routers update, the devices does not boot up and becomes available on the network. A full power cycle (unplugging power transformator and plug in again) has so far sorted out the problem, and ...