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MikroTik App

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by Dario1982
Fri Mar 08, 2024 12:34 am
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.14.3 [stable] is released!
Replies: 670
Views: 248883

Re: v7.14 [stable] is released!

Exactly why I said that expressing the concern is due from the customers.
by Dario1982
Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:51 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.14.3 [stable] is released!
Replies: 670
Views: 248883

Re: v7.14 [stable] is released!

Following units upgraded and running fine since one week RB5009UPr+S+IN CAP AC w/ wifiwave2 driver HAP AC2 w/ wifiwave2 driver RBSXTR (sxt lte6) ==> confirmed the fix for LTE LEDs. Rb5009 used as CAPSman with multiple vlan and dual WAN configuration and Cap and hAP used as AP only. I share the conce...
by Dario1982
Thu Jan 25, 2024 11:40 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.13.5 [stable] is released!
Replies: 896
Views: 320586

Re: v7.13.3 [stable] is released!

Issue on LEDs not working on SXT LTE6 still persist on 7.13.3
by Dario1982
Mon Jan 22, 2024 9:31 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.13.5 [stable] is released!
Replies: 896
Views: 320586

Re: v7.13.2 [stable] is released!

Update about my case of LEDs not working on SXT R with LTE6 (previous generation).
Support confirmed is a bug and will be addressed in the next stable release.
by Dario1982
Sat Jan 20, 2024 8:12 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.13.5 [stable] is released!
Replies: 896
Views: 320586

Re: v7.13.2 [stable] is released!

I found a possible bug after the upgrade to 7.13.2 on a SXT R RBSXTR rev.3 with LTE modem R11e-LTE6 on V036. Today I upgraded the SXT from 7.13 directly to 7.13.2 and after the upgrade, although the LTE interface connects to the carrier without problem, the status LEDs remain off and do not report t...
by Dario1982
Tue Jan 02, 2024 9:31 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.13.5 [stable] is released!
Replies: 896
Views: 320586

Re: v7.13 [stable] is released!

Is there a guide on making both CAPSMANs work at the same time on the same MikroTik device? I've tried but they don't seem to be able to coexist. I suspect that may have to be listening on different interfaces, can't check that right now but would appreciate any advise. Edit: Tried running them on ...
by Dario1982
Tue Jan 02, 2024 9:08 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.13.5 [stable] is released!
Replies: 896
Views: 320586

Re: v7.13 [stable] is released!

I have come to something similar to this. Not "a bit more cumbersome" but "very complicated". Not good at all for deployment of more than a few APs. No automatic configuration. I would not call this "managed AP". CAPsMAN is here only for faster roaming (OK, good thing,...
by Dario1982
Tue Jan 02, 2024 12:45 am
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.13.5 [stable] is released!
Replies: 896
Views: 320586

Re: v7.13 [stable] is released!

Is there a guide on making both CAPSMANs work at the same time on the same MikroTik device? I've tried but they don't seem to be able to coexist. I suspect that may have to be listening on different interfaces, can't check that right now but would appreciate any advise. Edit: Tried running them on ...
by Dario1982
Mon Jan 01, 2024 11:14 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.13.5 [stable] is released!
Replies: 896
Views: 320586

Re: v7.13 [stable] is released!

Just a quick question before saying happy new year... If i am gonna move to new wifi drivers for my hap ac2 and create all the configuration from scratch, does anyone know if vlans are working on the wifi interfaces with the new drivers? It does, I just did it today. It's just different than before...
by Dario1982
Mon Jan 01, 2024 10:59 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.13.5 [stable] is released!
Replies: 896
Views: 320586

Re: v7.13 [stable] is released!

One week ago I upgraded to 7.13 the following RB5009UPr+S+IN cAP AC hAP AC2 Today I moved both cAP AC and hAP AC2 to the new wifi-qcom-ac-7.13-arm package and setup them as CAP with the new CAPsMAN (the one under /wifi/interface) however I have an issue. If access points get rebooted all works fine,...
by Dario1982
Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:11 am
Forum: Beginner Basics
Topic: Need help for port forward
Replies: 10
Views: 9779

Re: Need help for port forward

I understand, but I think I confused you, my bad. When I said that with pass through you get a “dumb device” I meant that don’t have to worry about firewall and routing as these are delegated to your main router, but the device remain accessible and you can still manage and modify manually whatever ...
by Dario1982
Tue Oct 03, 2023 1:54 pm
Forum: Beginner Basics
Topic: Need help for port forward
Replies: 10
Views: 9779

Re: Need help for port forward

Yeah the real concern is if the OP ever actually gets a public IP. True, but this is what the OP said in the opening post, LHG LTE18 with sim card (public ip). so I'm assuming he knows what he subscribed...of course in case of CGNAT then is different. But is always good to challenge :-) , so geolab...
by Dario1982
Mon Oct 02, 2023 8:59 pm
Forum: Beginner Basics
Topic: Need help for port forward
Replies: 10
Views: 9779

Re: Need help for port forward

Hi If your mobile provider give you a public IP and is not using CGNAT, then instead of setting up your system to have a private IP between the LHG and the HEX, you can consider to use the passthrough so that the LHG is used only as modem and the public IP is assigned directly to the WAN interface o...
by Dario1982
Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:23 am
Forum: General
Topic: Separating IP Cam traffic between two Mikrotik routers
Replies: 5
Views: 1105

Re: Separating IP Cam traffic between two Mikrotik routers

What are you trying to achieve by isolating the cameras? I don't think you need to use the two interfaces of your NVR, unless your NVR will not act as gateway for your cameras and you want to isolate physically the two networks. As you understood, you can create two VLANs one for the computers and o...
by Dario1982
Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:42 am
Forum: Beginner Basics
Topic: Lots of VLANs need internet access via 1 internet gateway
Replies: 3
Views: 1447

Re: Lots of VLANs need internet access via 1 internet gateway

you are mentioningHEX, but looking at your pdf it looks that your environment is quite big andlooks like a kind of medium/large company. Perhaps you should consider another model because using the HEX you can put it under too much pressure in case of several clients and also considering that to reac...
by Dario1982
Fri Sep 29, 2023 9:17 pm
Forum: Beginner Basics
Topic: CRS326 unresponsive
Replies: 5
Views: 2110

Re: CRS326 unresponsive

And always use safe mode when configuring, even more when you don't have physical access to the device.
by Dario1982
Fri Sep 29, 2023 9:12 pm
Forum: General
Topic: help with web proxy rule
Replies: 1
Views: 480

Re: help with web proxy rule

Something like this?
/ip proxy access
add src-address=
add action=deny
by Dario1982
Fri Sep 29, 2023 8:21 pm
Forum: Beginner Basics
Topic: hAP ax3 Port forwarding not working
Replies: 16
Views: 2166

Re: hAP ax3 Port forwarding not working

Couple of thinking. You could be behind a double NAT (ONT is having the public IP and then your hAP WAN interface has a private IP) or even your provider is using CGNAT. In both case you are dependent on your provider either to set up the ONT as bridge (and then pass the public IP to the WAN interfa...
by Dario1982
Thu Sep 28, 2023 3:45 pm
Forum: Beginner Basics
Topic: hAP ax3 Port forwarding not working
Replies: 16
Views: 2166

Re: hAP ax3 Port forwarding not working

I think one key question from mkx has been left not answered. :-)

Is the Ubi acting as pure modem or not?
In other words, what interface is receiving the public ip? the wan of the Ubi or the wan of Mikrtotik?
by Dario1982
Thu Sep 28, 2023 3:07 pm
Forum: Beginner Basics
Topic: Is it possible to bind all ports at the top layer and manually allocate IP addresses to specific devices [SOLVED]
Replies: 4
Views: 1341

Re: Is it possible to bind all ports at the top layer and manually allocate IP addresses to specific devices [SOLVED]

Perhaps a too shoort reply. What I mean is that with that topology I would work with bridge and VLAN and defining trunk ports as link between router and switches as you it looks you have to carry at least two subnets for every physical interface. Of course this assume that you have switches that can...
by Dario1982
Thu Sep 28, 2023 2:55 pm
Forum: Beginner Basics
Topic: Is it possible to bind all ports at the top layer and manually allocate IP addresses to specific devices [SOLVED]
Replies: 4
Views: 1341

Re: Is it possible to bind all ports at the top layer and manually allocate IP addresses to specific devices [SOLVED]

If I understood well all the legacy devices are either under 192.168.200.x and 192.168.201.x (I assume are /24). In this case if you create the interfaces for these networks and assign them one address from the subnet on the CCR then you will have the gateway for 200 and 201 and they will be part of...
by Dario1982
Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:48 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Winbox detected as invalid traffic
Replies: 0
Views: 971

Winbox detected as invalid traffic

Hi all As part of my learning curve, and, why not, to have a bit of fun, I deployed another routerboard in my home network with the intention of create certain level of redundancy for some services (e.g. secondary DNS, secodnary DHCP, etc) but I stumbled upon a courious behaviour. This is the topolo...
by Dario1982
Sun Sep 24, 2023 8:54 pm
Forum: Useful user articles
Topic: aggiornamento RouterOS v7.11.2 Aug/31/2023
Replies: 3
Views: 8332

Re: aggiornamento RouterOS v7.11.2 Aug/31/2023

Ciao Frank Hai un dispositivo con modem LTE (esempio SXT, LHG, etc)? In tal caso l'aggiornamento di RouterOS non è lo stesso del modem LTE e non è detto che il firmare del modem LTE venga rilasciato ogni volta che RouterOS viene aggiornato. Per controllare ed aggiornare il firmware del modem LTE puo...
by Dario1982
Tue May 16, 2023 10:06 pm
Forum: MikroTik hardware questions
Topic: CAPsMAN not passing data after moving between CAPs
Replies: 5
Views: 3438

Re: CAPsMAN not passing data after moving between CAPs

Did you try to setup an access list to fine tune the accepted signal range and drop when the device is in the low range? This can prevent to help from “sticky” access point. By allowing or disabling forwarding...
by Dario1982
Fri May 12, 2023 11:34 pm
Forum: MikroTik hardware questions
Topic: New Hardware SPOILER!!! [RB L009UiGS-2HaxD] [SOLVED]
Replies: 48
Views: 17860

Re: New Hardware SPOILER!!! [RB L009UiGS-2HaxD] [SOLVED]

i think marketing is backfiring on L009 ,some of us (me included) at first expected to see it as a worthy representative of 2011-3011-4011-5009 Latvian Muscle legendary Router Family when it is far from it Plus the recurring dream of being able to get a Rolls Royce for the cost of a city car... :lo...
by Dario1982
Wed May 10, 2023 11:58 pm
Forum: MikroTik hardware questions
Topic: New Hardware SPOILER!!! [RB L009UiGS-2HaxD] [SOLVED]
Replies: 48
Views: 17860

Re: New Hardware SPOILER!!! [RB L009UiGS-2HaxD] [SOLVED]

Without wifi, I see perfect use for this device though I can understand in some cases at least a little bit of wifi can be useful. It doesn't always have to reach bleeding speed to be functional. But I'll prefer my RB5009 too :lol: Absolutely, we are on the same page. This device makes full sense i...
by Dario1982
Wed May 10, 2023 10:30 pm
Forum: MikroTik hardware questions
Topic: New Hardware SPOILER!!! [RB L009UiGS-2HaxD] [SOLVED]
Replies: 48
Views: 17860

Re: New Hardware SPOILER!!! [RB L009UiGS-2HaxD] [SOLVED]

Test result posted today. Well, I have mixed feeling, but more towards disappointment. No HW encription, and routing performance doesn't look that exciting as soon you move away from fastpath/fasttrack configuration. When I saw the announcem...
by Dario1982
Tue Feb 26, 2019 12:42 am
Forum: General
Topic: Fasttrack and Simple Queue
Replies: 8
Views: 17888

Re: Fasttrack and Simple Queue

Hi CZfan,

This did the trick and now it works perfectly...and it makes also perfect sense considering that indeed the queue has two direction.
Many thanks for your quick support.
by Dario1982
Mon Feb 25, 2019 11:35 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Fasttrack and Simple Queue
Replies: 8
Views: 17888

Re: Fasttrack and Simple Queue

Unfortunately not working for me. This is what I did (rule #6 is the one created as suggested here): 6 ;;; forward rule for subnet/ip destined to queues - established/related only chain=forward action=accept connection-state=established,related src-address-list=alist_to_s-queue log=no log-prefix=&qu...
by Dario1982
Thu Jan 03, 2019 12:56 am
Forum: Wireless Networking
Topic: Cap AC, Hap AC2 or UniFi?
Replies: 38
Views: 30277

Re: Cap AC, Hap AC2 or UniFi?

The cAP AC and hAP AC2 top out right around 300 at point blank range. But the R510 will actually hit the 866M you should get from a 2x2 AC-MU radio. True, but this is coming at four times the price of a cAP AC/Unifi AC Lite making the comparison unrealistic. Like said by someone else, it is all abo...
by Dario1982
Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:09 pm
Forum: Wireless Networking
Topic: Cap AC, Hap AC2 or UniFi?
Replies: 38
Views: 30277

Re: Cap AC, Hap AC2 or UniFi?

I don't have experience with UBNT AP because the requirement of deploying UniFi controller on top of the APs doesn't fit with my purposes (home only as my business locations are Cisco centric). Nothing wrong with UniFi and I know it could be possible to do a "set and forget" setup but I li...
by Dario1982
Mon Dec 31, 2018 12:47 am
Forum: MikroTik hardware questions
Topic: cAP lite - how to check HW wlan failure
Replies: 0
Views: 925

cAP lite - how to check HW wlan failure

Hi all I'm a new team member of this forum, so do not bash me too heavily if this has already been discussed. :D Since yesterday one of my cAP lite is not working properly and I suspect an HW issue but I don't know how to confirm my assumption. What is happening is that I cannot reach out the AP usi...