Code: Select all
interval= [/ip hotspot user profile get [find where name="$userprofile"] session-timeout]]
interval= [/ip hotspot user profile get [find where name="$userprofile"] session-timeout]]
:if ([/ping count=6] = 0) do={/system reboot [find]}
:if ([/ping interface="ether1" count=6]= 0) do={
/interface enable "ether2"} else={
/interface disable "ether2"}
:global currentIP
:local newIP [/ip address get [find where interface="ether2"] address]
:set newIP [:pick $newIP 0 [:find $newIP "/" -1]]
:if ($newIP != $currentIP) do={
:set currentIP $newIP}
:if ([/ping count=6] = 0) do={/ip dhcp-client release [find]}
:if ([/ping interface="ETHERT 1" count=6 ] = 0) do={
/interface enable "ETHERT 2"} else={
/interface disable "ETHERT 2"}
I don't understand what you mean by this friend REX.-65 ??
do not touch any.... (the router identity is visible......)
/ip firewall address-list disable [find where list="test" and address~"||"]
/ip firewall address-list enable [find where list="test" and address~"||"]
:put [/file get electric-cut_11-15-20_21-11-2022.txt creation-time]
/system clock
:local itime [get time]
[/tool fetch url="\?phone=+5xxxxxxxxxxx&text=$itime&apikey=2xxxxx" mode=http keep-result=no];
/ip hotspot user reset-counters
/terminal style error
:if ([/ping count=6] = 0) do={/ip dhcp-client release [find]}
:put [/interface monitor "ETHERT 1" print as-value]
/ip dhcp-server
:foreach item in=[lease find] do={
:local mac [lease get $item mac-address]
/ip hotspot ip-binding
:if ([:len [find where mac-address=$mac]] = 1) do={
/ip hotspot ip-binding disable [find mac-address="$mac"]
:put [/ip hotspot host print as value]
:local userprofile [ip hotspot user get [find where name="$user"] profile]
interval= [/ip hotspot user profile get [find where name="$userprofile"] mac-cookie-timeout]]
:foreach i in=[/ip hotspot user profile find] do={
:put "$[/ip hotspot user profile get $i name]";
[/ip hotspot user profile get [find where name="XXXX"] mac-cookie-timeout]]
[/ip hotspot user profile get [find where name="XXXX"] mac-cookie-timeout]
interval=[/ip hotspot user profile find mac-cookie-timeout name=""]
/interface monitor-traffic "ETHERT 1"
/ip hotspot user remove [find uptime=01:00:00 limit-uptime=01:00:00]
Why is it not recommended to upgrade to version 7?I doubt that anyone recommended you to upgrade to v7.they recommend me to update to the version 7
But how do certain things come to your mind?
And where do you store it, in the NAND/Flash memory of the RouterBOARD? If you do that, after a few weeks you throw the RouterBOARD away...
I do not understand. LOLCurrently, the mode of transportation is clearly still a push buggy.
Remember that if it starts automatically,
overwrites the file and you lost the "so precious" time ...
Try to open the page used for the service:
Is not mine, if do not work, you must wait than it come back.
:global stopRouterRun
:put $stopRouterRun
:do {
:delay 60
} while=(!$stopRouterRun)
:global stopRouterRun false
:do {
:delay 60
} while=(!$stopRouterRun)
:if condition=([/ping count=6] =0) do={/ip dhcp-client release [ find interface ="ether1"]}
How is your script friend?I used something similar to add 2 minutes.
Then that was the start time for my dyn updater scheduler.
/system clock get time
/system ntp client get last-update-before
[admin@CYBER ENK\B4AS] /system script>
[admin@CYBER ENK\B4AS] /system script>
the script keep history of shutdown (every time the script is launched...)