Another missed opportunity with Mikrotik Stacking / Virtual Chassis in Juniper world is pretty much after sought featurestacking on the other hand can go up to 8 switches with most vendors which support stacking.
Use this video from network berg very straightforward
ouch another mishap and potential savings is already lost, we got the speed we need at the expense of loosing another non optional important feature sigh...wifi-qcom-ac? No, no dynamic VLAN assignment
are you referring to FRR + VPP or something else care to elaborate more please?However some years old x86 Xeon motherboards with VPP enabled Linux are sustaining 100-Gig network routing throughputs ( measured and verified ).
/ip/firewall/filter add chain=forward action=fasttrack-connection connection-state=established,related
/ip/firewall/filter add chain=forward action=accept connection-state=established,related
*) dns - added support for mDNS proxy (CLI only);
*) ipv6 - fixed "no-dad" functionality;
*) bgp - fixed cluster-list and originator-id;
routing/bgp/session/refresh 0 address-family=ip
May we ask for the progress on this?no-export will be passed to the peer in new routing version. But for v6, most likely it will stay as it is.
ip firewall filter add action=accept chain=input protocol=ospf
May i ask if it is fixable in the future or it is what it is?
It is not possible to leak "main" connected routes and be able to reach local addresses.
/interface/bridge/vlan/add vlan-ids=111 tagged=bridge,qsfpplus1-1 untagged=ether7,ether48 bridge=bridge
:put [/system/resource/get uptime
/ip firewall mangle
add action=mark-routing chain=output dst-port=9993 new-routing-mark=UG3 passthrough=no protocol=udp
Question does MVRP implementation will be vendor neutral? Once it become stable?