That sounds far better! Thanks Conny.Alternatively, a better Solution could be to Identify the connections needed for your OnDemand-Services
and create an alternate Route that doesn`t go trough the VPN ...
Thanks holvoetn, much appreciated. Something I forgot to add.So ChatGPT has a reason to know that VLAN itf needs to be attached to ether1 ?
Yes, but sadly it doesn't want to work under wine in Linux.This one?
Bump...Question... If my LTE device (SXTLTE6 Kit) is in passthrough mode, would I apply the mangle rule to the SXT or the hEX which manages the network?
Yes, that's it. Thanks!
Normis addressed this in the release notes of beta9. Scroll back a bit, you'll see it there.I1. I managed to import somehow my address-list with more than 500 devices. But WBX files don't work ? ( old format )
Yes. This!Where is the ability to segment the list, e.g. using separators like with old Winbox...
+1, if possible. Great idea! Way more functional.Just like that: