This is great!Log entry DPI issue already fixed in internal build.
You may ask... (Quoting James T. Kirk ). Sign language.@Alain, which is the third language that you speak ... if I may ask?
I took the easy way out. Add pe1chi suggested, same subnet.Thank you Alain for your response. I guess Chromecast and bose speakers use the same technology to advertise themselves!
How did you overcome the issue in your case?
+1it would be nice to add time quota per kid instead of fixed time intervals
add authentication-types=wpa-psk,wpa2-psk comment=EnterRealmOfWOOWiFi encryption=tkip \
name=security1 passphrase=EnterRealmOfWOOWiFi
Works for non broadcast technologies like x.25, Frame relay.Never use an interface as gateway, always an IP address.
What's wrong with using interface as gateway if interface is a point-to-point type of interface?
Then, as a client, I'd be worriedIt is ISP network not mine I am only customer....And the netmask. You have 65000 IP addresses?
Sent from my cell phone. Sorry for the errors.
No all Apple products. Android!! See what Apple did to your FrenchMon Dieu !!!!!And the netmask. You have 65000 IP addresses?
Sent from my cell phone. Sorry for the errors.
or in Quebec
Ostie de tabarnak
Get an IPAD LOL.............
NV2Use that mikrotik protocol thing
It's an expression meaning that you don't mix modes (a/n/ac) but rather stick with just one (ac).Did not see much channel usage for this frequency in the snooper, freq usage or scan. What option is Greenfield. I am currently researching it.
Ah! OK, thanks,The solution he posted involved changing the skin in the web interface. It does not work in winbox.
Click on "Design Skin" and remove the checkmark in front of Quick Set, then save it as default.
I'd also say to not bother with "dst-port=8291 protocol=tcp " on the drop filter. You got there, I'll block "everything" you do!I would have added the last line near the top of the list, not at the bottom.
Great philosophy!! +1...
Also, when I reply in this forum, others will read it over time. So, I provide the most correct settings I know, not merely answering your exact question.
Yep, Linux. (and OSX/macos).
You can run winbox in both using wine.
The grasshopper is only one hop awayInside rack
LOL!!!!!Finally, my mother told me never to trust a man driving in a red car sporting a beard.
My comment was purely on form and manner, if it wasn't obvious enough...
I ran into the same issue last year Alain caused by a conflict with the same TFTP server and it took me a while to figure it out. Felt silly afterwards. I think it happens to everyone from time to time.
Me blushingAlain has a lots of designations so he must be on the right track!!![]()
Agreed. I do that sometime by mistake. Just click on the sequencial numbers column and it should be ok.Are you sure they aren't just sorted?they should not yes, but i have this issue and also they will be upper of dynamic rules in raw tab
+1@man: You can always create completely new user and disable/delete original "admin".
Wrong. You can still examine and change anything later. Only instead of finding all dead ends, you have good working starting point.@AlainCasault: Yes, but in this case you never learn how things works…
What's the point of being unpleasant? Why do you care?What's the point in responding to this 7 month old post?
Especially as a lot of water how flowed under various RouterOS bridges since then.