Community discussions

MikroTik App

Search found 119 matches

by ufm
Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:45 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.17beta [testing] is released!
Replies: 773
Views: 180163

Re: v7.17beta [testing] is released!

Normis, many people are trying to convey a simple idea to you — we bought a device, and we want to manage it the way we need, without waiting for explanations from MikroTik. When we bought these devices, these restrictions didn’t exist. Why do you think you can degrade the functionality of the devic...
by ufm
Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:29 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.17beta [testing] is released!
Replies: 773
Views: 180163

Re: v7.17beta [testing] is released!

I think MikroTik will achieve the opposite result. Now everyone will enable everything right from the initial setup stage because that's easier than thinking, "Will I need this or not, and will I have to climb onto the roof in the middle of the night?" Well done.
by ufm
Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:03 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.17beta [testing] is released!
Replies: 773
Views: 180163

Re: v7.17beta [testing] is released!

What will you be using traffic gen for, in this remote router? There is no need for theoretic, like I said To check the quality of the connection after a bombing, for example. I'll repeat what I’ve already written — please, don’t touch professional equipment. The industry already has the opinion ab...
by ufm
Fri Oct 04, 2024 4:51 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.17beta [testing] is released!
Replies: 773
Views: 180163

Re: v7.17beta [testing] is released!

It starts to look like some at Mikrotik are not exactly familiar with the concept of managing devices in inaccessible locations or located in other country (or even continent).... Please describe your specific use case, so we can see how to improve it. Not theory, real use. Normis, do you want a us...
by ufm
Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:05 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.17beta [testing] is released!
Replies: 773
Views: 180163

Re: v7.17beta [testing] is released!

No, we do not plan to implement annual licensing or any other licensing changes. Device mode, as clarified in the manual, is meant to protect home users who have their routers taken over by attackers and are using them for botnet purposes. EVEN THOUGH we have no known security issues in RouterOS AN...
by ufm
Mon Sep 18, 2023 5:24 pm
Forum: General
Topic: CCR1072 and other routers on Tile chip
Replies: 7
Views: 1504

Re: CCR1072 and other routers on Tile chip

Answer by Mikrotik support (main part): "...The product being discontinued - from manufacturing, does not mean we will stop issuing updates for it. RouterOS v6 will still receive security updates, and RouterOS v7 will still get new updates for Tile." And they pointed out my mistake - not a...
by ufm
Mon Sep 18, 2023 12:21 pm
Forum: General
Topic: CCR1072 and other routers on Tile chip
Replies: 7
Views: 1504

Re: CCR1072 and other routers on Tile chip

The question is, how "far" will this "so far" be?
by ufm
Mon Sep 18, 2023 9:56 am
Forum: General
Topic: CCR1072 and other routers on Tile chip
Replies: 7
Views: 1504

CCR1072 and other routers on Tile chip


As I understand it, MikroTik has discontinued all products based on the Tile chip. My question is, how long will MikroTik continue to support routers using this chip? Will there be ROS 6 and 7 versions for these routers?
by ufm
Thu May 04, 2023 4:22 am
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.9 [stable] is released!
Replies: 242
Views: 63139

Re: v7.9 [stable] is released!

Pingflood test
And smokeping monitoring.
Pinging router's IP address ... or through router another device? Does it help if you increase timeout?
Ping through router. For example
by ufm
Wed May 03, 2023 5:57 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.9 [stable] is released!
Replies: 242
Views: 63139

Re: v7.9 [stable] is released!

Where do you find this information, @ufm?
Or is this a ping test (and are you referring to packet loss)?
Pingflood test
And smokeping monitoring.
by ufm
Wed May 03, 2023 5:13 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.9 [stable] is released!
Replies: 242
Views: 63139

Re: v7.9 [stable] is released!

After upgrade - lost packets (3%-7%).
After downgrade to 7.8 - the problem is gone
by ufm
Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:03 am
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.8 [stable] is released!
Replies: 425
Views: 155209

Re: v7.8 [stable] is released!

> zerotier - fixed routes after VRF change;

When will there be a major fix - support for architectures other than ARM/ARM64?
by ufm
Wed Apr 13, 2022 3:55 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.3rc [testing] is released!
Replies: 452
Views: 115656

Re: v7.3beta [testing] is released!

Where can read about lacp-user-key? The setting is documented on LACP key can be monitored with: /interface bonding monitor-slaves Now I have the same key on all the bonding interfaces. As far as I understand, this is no...
by ufm
Wed Apr 13, 2022 3:01 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.3rc [testing] is released!
Replies: 452
Views: 115656

Re: v7.3beta [testing] is released!

Where can read about lacp-user-key?
by ufm
Thu Feb 17, 2022 10:55 am
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.1.2 is released!
Replies: 127
Views: 44495

Re: v7.1.2 is released!

Just for information:
1. MLAG in 7.x is unuseable.
2. Support is also broken No reaction at all for 3 days (business days, as written on the mikrotik website).
by ufm
Sun Jan 30, 2022 2:15 am
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.2rc2 and v7.2rc3 is released!
Replies: 222
Views: 92938

Re: v7.2rc2 and v7.2rc3 is released!

"queue - fixed traffic processing" is MT speak for fixing queues completly broken in a way not moving any traffic at all. It is really bothering how such a severe bug can make it into an rc2 release without being discovered. How is it possible to miss a completly broken core feature in rc...
by ufm
Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:07 pm
Forum: General
Topic: ROSv6 to ROSv7 config converter
Replies: 0
Views: 2241

ROSv6 to ROSv7 config converter


It would be nice to have an online (web page on site) or offline (special program) config converter from version 6 to version 7. I think it would greatly simplify the transition from version 6 to 7.

by ufm
Tue Dec 07, 2021 4:37 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.1 is released!
Replies: 785
Views: 245960

Re: v7.1 is released!

Are there plans to add ZeroTier to other architectures?
It may be a space problem, so could be hard to get inn to all devices.
I do not understand why there is no support on the X86 architecture.
by ufm
Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:22 am
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.1 is released!
Replies: 785
Views: 245960

Re: v7.1 is released!

And anyway - congratulations! P.S. I keep this letter fondly. I should check to see if this bug has been corrected or not. :) Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2015 11:37:35 +0200 To: Fyodor Ustinov <> From: "MikroTik support [Janis M.]" <> [...] ...This problem will...
by ufm
Tue Dec 07, 2021 6:55 am
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v7.1 is released!
Replies: 785
Views: 245960

Re: v7.1 is released!

Version 7.1 has been released.

!) support for ZeroTier on ARM and ARM64 devices;
Are there plans to add ZeroTier to other architectures?
by ufm
Sat Nov 27, 2021 7:18 pm
Forum: RouterOS beta
Topic: v7.1rc7 [development] is released!
Replies: 174
Views: 58582

Re: v7.1rc7 [development] is released!

RouterOS version 7.1rc7 has been released in public "development" channel!
Is ZeroTier still only available for ARM?
by ufm
Wed May 19, 2021 11:53 am
Forum: RouterOS beta
Topic: v7.1beta6 [development] is released!
Replies: 377
Views: 253338

Re: v7.1beta6 [development] is released!

!) added support for Let's Encrypt certificate generation;
!) added L3 HW support for all CRS3xx devices;
!) added MLAG support for CRS3xx devices (CLI only);
by ufm
Tue Aug 06, 2019 3:46 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Feature request: Framed-Route and Mikrotik-Address-List
Replies: 9
Views: 5240

Re: Feature request: Framed-Route and Mikrotik-Address-List

After five years this feature still not implemented... And absolutely no reaction either from support or from developers.
by ufm
Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:51 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Which types of ports would you like to see for a high speed router
Replies: 179
Views: 62606

Re: Which types of ports would you like to see for a high speed router


I think you first need to learn how to make stackable hardware.

by ufm
Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:17 am
Forum: General
Topic: Feature request: Drop/replace Timestamp field in tcp packets in NAT
Replies: 0
Views: 1110

Feature request: Drop/replace Timestamp field in tcp packets in NAT


In some cases servers do not understand when receive TCP packets from the same IP adress with wrong sequence of timestamp field.
Need the ability to delete this field or the replace value of this field on the router when a packet passing through NAT.

by ufm
Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:19 pm
Forum: Wireless Networking
Topic: WiFi, WPA2 EAP and radius
Replies: 3
Views: 4650

Re: WiFi, WPA2 EAP and radius

What exactly are you trying to do? Authentication using MAC or using MSCHAPv2 user/password? I want connect from my phone to mikrotik access point using Radius name/password authentication. BTW, your settings do not help - the same effect (no attempts to connect to radius server and instant message...
by ufm
Sat Aug 12, 2017 5:36 pm
Forum: Wireless Networking
Topic: WiFi, WPA2 EAP and radius
Replies: 3
Views: 4650

WiFi, WPA2 EAP and radius

Hi! I have this configuration: [admin@NTP] > /interface wireless print detail Flags: X - disabled, R - running 0 name="wlan1" mtu=1500 l2mtu=1600 mac-address=D4:CA:6D:E1:01:11 arp=enabled interface-type=Atheros AR9300 mode=ap-bridge ssid="MAG" frequency=2412 band=2ghz-b/g/n chann...
by ufm
Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:14 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.37 [current] is released!
Replies: 197
Views: 76847

Re: v6.37 [current] is released!

RouterOS v7 will have a new linux kernel, which will allow for more hardware support, and some features and fixes that were not possible before. RouterOS v7 is currently in early alpha and there is no scheduled release date yet. :( Ticket#2014122166000217 I am not sure, but from that ticket it seem...
by ufm
Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:56 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.37 [current] is released!
Replies: 197
Views: 76847

Re: v6.37 [current] is released!

RouterOS v7 will have a new linux kernel, which will allow for more hardware support, and some features and fixes that were not possible before.
RouterOS v7 is currently in early alpha and there is no scheduled release date yet.
by ufm
Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:52 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.37 [current] is released!
Replies: 197
Views: 76847

Re: v6.37 [current] is released!

is that all? :lol: Nice job. Almost feels like you are near to a final version of v6.... :D i herad that they are working on version 7. and version 7 isn't a joke. thats what Mr. Janis said in USA's MuM in april 2016. i am wondering what are they trying to create. What is so spacial in v7? Fix Tick...
by ufm
Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:45 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.35.4 [current] is released!
Replies: 51
Views: 37580

Re: v6.35.4 [current] is released!

This "enhancement" broke my scripts too. Mikrotik, as usual, broke compatibility in "current" version without thinking abount own customers. Mikrotik never rollback "enhancements" like that. :( P.S. Last time, if anyone ever asks me whether to buy equipment mikrotik I s...
by ufm
Sun Apr 24, 2016 3:34 am
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.36rc [release candidate] is released, wireless-fp package is discontinued!
Replies: 295
Views: 113718

Re: v6.36rc [release candidate] is released, wireless-fp package is discontinued!

RC software is for testing purposes, do not complain if your unit doesn't boot after upgrade. If you want to be useful, try to describe your problem to mikrotik's staff, so they can find and fix the bug that caused it. For example: In forum branch about 6.35 verison MikroTik Support time to time sa...
by ufm
Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:04 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.35 [current] is released!
Replies: 103
Views: 41522

Re: v6.35 [current] is released!

105547111 - MTU and L2MTU issues are already fixed in 6.36rc
eworm,pe1chl - Export for switch configuration is fixed in 6.36rc
and so on. I hope to be released version 6.35.1 with bugfixes?
by ufm
Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:47 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.34.4 [current] is released!
Replies: 30
Views: 25443

Re: v6.34.4 [current] is released!

Thnx for bugfixes.
by ufm
Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:31 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.34.3 [current] is released!
Replies: 58
Views: 52947

Re: v6.34.3 [current] is released!

As far as we know all problems with PPP should be fixed in latest 6.35rc version. If you upgrade and still experience issues, then please send supout file from your device (6.35rc) to
Do you plan to release 6.34.4 with this bugfix?
by ufm
Mon Jan 11, 2016 7:36 am
Forum: General
Topic: 6.34 release candidate version topic!
Replies: 200
Views: 69986

Re: 6.34 release candidate version topic!

6.34rc32 version is released.

Changes since previous version:
*) net - fix bridge firewall chain check (broken since 6.33.2);
Where I can download 6.33.4 with bugfix?
by ufm
Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:10 pm
Forum: General
Topic: 6.34 release candidate version topic!
Replies: 200
Views: 69986

Re: 6.34 release candidate version topic!

Hi Normis This does not really help as we have been hearing about ROSv7 for a long time but not even seen a alpha or beta version, so this could be another 2 years before we see any ROSv7, and in the meantime all new network interfaces is unusable because of old kernel being used. Broadcom have bac...
by ufm
Tue Oct 20, 2015 1:20 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Version naming
Replies: 16
Views: 3779

Re: 6.32.3 [CURRENT] version released!

In this release added some bugfixes. Well, where 6.30.5 (bugfix release)?
by ufm
Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:57 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.33rc release candidate (final testing)
Replies: 202
Views: 68320

Re: v6.33rc release candidate

rc22 released. we have fixed the latest few problems and are getting ready for v6.33 release.
*) pptp,l2tp,sstp,pppoe: fixed bug #7586: do not sen*) email - allow server to be specified as fqdn which is resolved on each send;
Fix this, pls.
by ufm
Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:51 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.33rc release candidate (final testing)
Replies: 202
Views: 68320

Re: v6.33rc release candidate

Still waiting for your discovery of the problem Ticket#2014122166000217 - when in system many interfaces, and you delete one of them - mikroik hangs on some time and loses packets. "Interface" - any type of interface, ppp - also interface. "Many" - depends on the CPU. This is a ...
by ufm
Wed Sep 23, 2015 4:06 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.33rc release candidate (final testing)
Replies: 202
Views: 68320

Re: v6.33rc release candidate

The biggest issue now is pppoe/cpu performance. It's not quite multi-threaded: Thanks for doing this Mikrotik! Still waiting for your discovery of the problem Ticket#2014122166000217 - when in system many interfaces, and you delete one of them - mikroik hangs on some time and loses packets. "I...
by ufm
Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:15 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.33rc release candidate (final testing)
Replies: 202
Views: 68320

Re: v6.33rc release candidate

If your developers work with ppp and radius attributes, may be chance Ticket#2015041166000124 ?
by ufm
Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:28 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.33rc release candidate (final testing)
Replies: 202
Views: 68320

Re: v6.33rc release candidate

6.33rc7 is released!

Changes since 6.33rc5:
*) ppp - added CoA support to PPPoE, PPTP & L2TP (Mikrotik-Recv-Limit, Mikrotik-Xmit-Limit,
Mikrotik-Rate-Limit, Ascend-Data-Rate, Ascend-XMit-Rate, Session-Timeout);
OMFG! Hardly wait! Thnx!
by ufm
Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:38 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.30.4 bugfix release
Replies: 103
Views: 44052

Re: v6.30.4 bugfix release

No it does not work that way. Like I said, it is the same file for the v6.32 and for v6.29. If we change the answer to "v6.30.4" then also v6.32 will not receive updates to v6.33 And this is great! It should not be possible to automatically upgrade to the unstable version. If you want upg...
by ufm
Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:51 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.30.4 bugfix release
Replies: 103
Views: 44052

Re: v6.30.4 bugfix release

...if you do a reset configuration with 6.32rc6, the configuration goes to a very strange config with no firewall or routing and the IP address of configure only on eth1.
It's a standard default config, why you say "very strange"?
by ufm
Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:58 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: 6.31 released
Replies: 227
Views: 84057

Re: 6.31 released

The specific checkbox/setting is not supposed to be shown in PC, only in CHR image.
But this checkbox enable multicore support for x86 on 6.31
Disabled multicore support - it's a bug?
by ufm
Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:44 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: 6.31 released
Replies: 227
Views: 84057

Re: 6.31 released

Chupaka: Bug, on X86 regular this should not be shown. This is only for CHR image
Wait-wait. You want to say - in 6.31 broken support multicore cpu on x86 and this is not a bug, it's a feature?????
by ufm
Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:53 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: 6.31 released
Replies: 227
Views: 84057

Re: 6.31 released

That is a different topic, CHR works ourside the RouterBOARD, either in your PC or in the cloud or somewhere.
RouterOS built in virtualization also will be re-made, but nothing to announce yet.
As I understand - CHR without limitations and 64 version for bare metal x86 - not planned?
by ufm
Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:35 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.30.2 bugfix release
Replies: 147
Views: 63594

Re: v6.30.2 bugfix release

traffic flow - not fixed in 6.30.2. Our company uses billing that takes into account the traffic protocol NetFlow. After the upgrade to 6.27 to 6.30.2 missing incoming traffic . Please fix it. In 6.30 (or 6.29) added additional info into netflow packet. If your billing use "poor" netflow ...
by ufm
Mon Aug 03, 2015 1:43 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.30.2 bugfix release
Replies: 147
Views: 63594

Re: v6.30.2 bugfix release

traffic flow - not fixed in 6.30.2. Our company uses billing that takes into account the traffic protocol NetFlow. After the upgrade to 6.27 to 6.30.2 missing incoming traffic . Please fix it. In 6.30 (or 6.29) added additional info into netflow packet. If your billing use "poor" netflow ...
by ufm
Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:48 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.30.2 bugfix release
Replies: 147
Views: 63594

Re: v6.30.2 bugfix release

Hi! After upgrade to 6.30.2 "hAP lite" say "latest firmware is 3.24" "CCR" say "latest firmware is 3.27" It's correct? yes, different systems have different firmwares. ccr had more updates Hmm... I think it was better, to have all the same version number. I a...
by ufm
Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:05 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.30.2 bugfix release
Replies: 147
Views: 63594

Re: v6.30.2 bugfix release


After upgrade to 6.30.2
"hAP lite" say "latest firmware is 3.24"
"CCR" say "latest firmware is 3.27"

It's correct?
by ufm
Thu Jul 23, 2015 7:43 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.30.2 bugfix release
Replies: 147
Views: 63594

Re: v6.30.2 bugfix release

Finally! Yes!

This is how things should progress!
After upgrade:Image
by ufm
Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:39 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.30.x bugfix release
Replies: 136
Views: 56421

Re: v6.30.1 bugfix release

I already wrote that v6.30.x will be maintained for more than a month. If we stretch it for 6 months, it will be exactly what you, ufm, described. So I don't understand the difference Difference - 5 month :) BTW, Mikrotik say - "7 version will be released in this year". "This year&qu...
by ufm
Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:23 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.30.x bugfix release
Replies: 136
Views: 56421

Re: v6.30.1 bugfix release

vortex, I really have no idea what you are asking. You really expect a release where "all bugs are fixed, 100% guarantee forever"? I'm not vortex, but I think I can say what he wants. And I also want to just that: LTS bugfix only release. Yes. "all bugs are fixed, 100% guarantee fore...
by ufm
Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:17 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.30.x bugfix release
Replies: 136
Views: 56421

Re: v6.30.1 bugfix release

\ I've been following the new "feature" for "release branchs", and even if I think the new plan is better than the current situation, I do believe that LTS versions would be a much better idea (without too much work or complexity) ! Because, with the process that you have descri...
by ufm
Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:38 am
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.30.x bugfix release
Replies: 136
Views: 56421

Re: v6.30.1 bugfix release


net flow still broken (see Ticket#2015071166000057)

by ufm
Sat Jul 11, 2015 4:10 am
Forum: Announcements
Topic: 6.30 released
Replies: 179
Views: 70181

Re: 6.30 released

In 6.30 broken traffic flow.
Field "Input interface" always contain 0.
by ufm
Fri May 22, 2015 5:42 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.29 will be released this week!
Replies: 65
Views: 21019

Re: v6.29 will be released this week!

After receiving all your feedback we are planning to fix those main issues and we plan for v6.29 release in the middle of next week. If you discover any new problem please post it here and report to I think many will support me - we are ready to wait two or three weeks (or even...
by ufm
Fri May 22, 2015 2:33 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.29 will be released this week!
Replies: 65
Views: 21019

Re: v6.29 will be released this week!

Wow! Support says time.
Maybe I'm also lucky?

Dear Mikrotik support, what about
No, it seems. Everything is as usual.
by ufm
Thu May 21, 2015 7:33 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.29 will be released this week!
Replies: 65
Views: 21019

Re: v6.29 will be released this week!

Wow! Support says time.
Maybe I'm also lucky?

Dear Mikrotik support, what about
by ufm
Wed May 13, 2015 3:59 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Who more?
Replies: 1
Views: 1331

Who more?

Well, now I have two opened ticked with diagnostics: "I's a bug. No information when we fix it"

Who more?
by ufm
Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:48 am
Forum: Announcements
Topic: RouterOS v6.28 released
Replies: 229
Views: 98315

Re: RouterOS v6.28 released

Changelog for 6.29rc version is now uploaded to our download site. Sorry about a delay.
Judging by the fact that 6.29rc11 crashes with kernel panic where works 6.27 - we are waiting for an interesting version. :)
by ufm
Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:30 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: RouterOS v6.28 released
Replies: 229
Views: 98315

Re: RouterOS v6.28 released


As i understand, 2014122166000217 not fixed in this release.

If this is not a military secret - when can be expected fix of this error?
For me - it's very serious and annoying bug and my customers eating my brain. :(

by ufm
Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:20 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.28 will be released this week!
Replies: 72
Views: 28198

Re: v6.28 will be released this week!

We have plans to release v6.28 during this week.
Really this week?
Better late than with bugs!
Last time - "late and with bugs". :(
by ufm
Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:32 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Feature request: bridge name for ppp connection from radius
Replies: 0
Views: 1076

Feature request: bridge name for ppp connection from radius


Very simple request: add radius attribute like "Mikrotik-Bridge" for bridge name.

by ufm
Wed Feb 25, 2015 2:18 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Help to configure bridge as hub
Replies: 0
Views: 954

Help to configure bridge as hub

Hi! In linux I have the opportunity to set up a bridge like this brctl setageing <bridge> 0 and after this bridge work like hub, i.e. sends an incoming packet to all ports except through which it entered, without looking at the destination MAC-addres. Mikrotik does not allow to set up a bridge in th...
by ufm
Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:18 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: RouterOS v6.27 released
Replies: 273
Views: 140715

Re: RouterOS v6.27 released

what about Ticket#2014122166000217 We already responded that this is not a bug that is easily fixable. This is one of fundamental flaws of the whole system, reason comes from kernel. If you have thousands of interfaces that are being listed, removing entries is very CPU intensive. We cannot fix it ...
by ufm
Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:40 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: RouterOS v6.27 released
Replies: 273
Views: 140715

Re: RouterOS v6.27 released

Normis, what about Ticket#2014122166000217 (When the number of PPPoE sessions on the device becomes more 1000 - when you turn off the one PPPoE session on all other sessions observed packet loss) thanks Ros Mikrotik totally ignore this bug. I think after some time they will say - "It's not the...
by ufm
Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:40 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.26 will be released on 6th week of 2015, check the latest
Replies: 64
Views: 25318

Re: v6.26 will be released on 6th week of 2015, check the la

I have not seen anything about v7 in reply for the ticket 2014122166000217, as my colleague wrote to you, now our developers are working on this issue.
It seemed to me that this is the answer including for me. If I'm wrong - I am sorry.
by ufm
Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:24 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.26 will be released on 6th week of 2015, check the latest
Replies: 64
Views: 25318

Re: v6.26 will be released on 6th week of 2015, check the la

norpan, this is not very basic setup indeed, however we are working on new VRF implementation, that will be rewritten in v7. As currently we can apply fixes, but there is no guarantee that fix is going to work (and that it is not going to break anything other). I.e. fix for Ticket#2014122166000217 ...
by ufm
Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:20 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.26 will be released on 6th week of 2015, check the latest
Replies: 64
Views: 25318

Re: v6.26 will be released on 6th week of 2015, check latest

We have plans to release v6.26 on the next week. Please check the latest release candidate version (6.26rc19), For those that had confirmed bug reports, please check if the issue is resolved. Thank you ...
by ufm
Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:28 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.26 will be released on 6th week of 2015, check the latest
Replies: 64
Views: 25318

Re: v6.26 almost ready for FULL RELEASE - please check lates

Additional to Ticket#2014122166000217

When the number of PPPoE sessions on the device becomes more 1000 - when you turn off the one PPPoE session on all other sessions observed packet loss.
26rc15 - problem still exists
by ufm
Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:24 am
Forum: General
Topic: v6.26 will be released on 6th week of 2015, check the latest
Replies: 64
Views: 25318

Re: v6.26 almost ready for FULL RELEASE - please check lates

any new news about: Hi! Additional to Ticket#2014122166000217 When the number of PPPoE sessions on the device becomes more 1000 - when you turn off the one PPPoE session on all other sessions observed packet loss. thanks +1 Please address this before release. in 26rc10 - problem still exists in 26r...
by ufm
Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:16 pm
Forum: General
Topic: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.
Replies: 18
Views: 4100

Re: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.

IT depends on your policy - if 50Mbps client download from 10Mbps, should it get 10 or 50Mbps? IF 50Mbps then mark 50Mbps client traffic before 10Mbps client traffic, this way you will be able to reach 50Mbps, If 10Mbps then mark 50Mpbs client traffic after 10Mbps client traffic, this way this traf...
by ufm
Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:51 pm
Forum: General
Topic: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.
Replies: 18
Views: 4100

Re: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.

IT depends on your policy - if 50Mbps client download from 10Mbps, should it get 10 or 50Mbps? IF 50Mbps then mark 50Mbps client traffic before 10Mbps client traffic, this way you will be able to reach 50Mbps, If 10Mbps then mark 50Mpbs client traffic after 10Mbps client traffic, this way this traf...
by ufm
Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:32 am
Forum: General
Topic: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.
Replies: 18
Views: 4100

Re: My dispute with the Mikrotik support. USE this: ATTRIBUTE Mikrotik-Address-List 19 string Make sure that you have address lists for every speed: USERS_100 USERS_50 USERS_10 every time user logs in Dynamic entry will appear in coresponding address lists. Then use these...
by ufm
Fri Jan 23, 2015 5:31 pm
Forum: General
Topic: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.
Replies: 18
Views: 4100

Re: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.

Move to Queue tree , packet-marks and dynamic address-lists from RADIUS, one address-list per connection speed, than you will be manually specify what speed is more improtant than other. customer A - 10M/10M customer B - 50M/50M customer C - 100M/100M I do not understand how to use the address-list...
by ufm
Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:25 pm
Forum: General
Topic: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.
Replies: 18
Views: 4100

Re: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.

Have a separate static simple queue for all local traffic target= dst= in very first position and none of local traffic will ever reach dynamic queues. You can place any limits or queue types there you need - i have mine on SFQ with unrealistic limits of 1G, somehow it w...
by ufm
Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:18 pm
Forum: General
Topic: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.
Replies: 18
Views: 4100

Re: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.

I.e. you agree that traffic from to limited by 50M not 10M? easy - place 50M queue before 10M queue - and it will . I promise! :) PPPoE connection automatic add rule to simple queue and I can not have way say "Hey, always add low speed rules before high speed".
by ufm
Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:00 pm
Forum: General
Topic: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.
Replies: 18
Views: 4100

Re: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.

Golden rules of queueing is that traffic can be captured only once per HTB and once per simple queue. so if you have target= limit-at=10M/10M max-limit=10M/10M target= limit-at=50M/50M max-limit=50M/50M so if traffic goes between and all traffic w...
by ufm
Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:55 pm
Forum: General
Topic: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.
Replies: 18
Views: 4100

Re: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.

I have to agree with you, and I am kind of surprised you received that response. Unless I am missing something, it would be expected that the queue with the most constraints wins. Imagine instead that this were the scenario: (A client) -> PPPoE -- [50M] -> MikroTik Router 1 --- 1Gb Ethernet --- Mik...
by ufm
Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:16 pm
Forum: General
Topic: My dispute with the Mikrotik support.
Replies: 18
Views: 4100

My dispute with the Mikrotik support.

Hi! Dear community. Please, help solve who wrong - I or mikrotik support. This configuration: (A client) -> PPPoE -> MikrtoikRouter <- PPPoE <- (B client). Client A have limitation of speed (limit-at and max-limit) - 50M Client B have limitation of speed (limit-at and max-limit) - 10M Client A send ...
by ufm
Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:39 pm
Forum: General
Topic: RouterOS v6.25
Replies: 107
Views: 46663

Re: RouterOS v6.25

ufm What model routerboard are you using? We have a few units with 100+ PPPoE, I am worried to experiment with this. Do you use RADIUS as well? CCR1036-8G-2S+ I have about 1200~1500 PPPoE sessions on router. Yes, authorization by the radius. I think this problem becomes noticeable with a large numb...
by ufm
Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:25 pm
Forum: General
Topic: RouterOS v6.25
Replies: 107
Views: 46663

Re: RouterOS v6.25

Hi! Additional to Ticket#2014122166000217 When the number of PPPoE sessions on the device becomes more 1000 - when you turn off the one PPPoE session on all other sessions observed packet loss. what do you mean by "turn off" this session ?
by ufm
Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:53 pm
Forum: General
Topic: RouterOS v6.25
Replies: 107
Views: 46663

Re: RouterOS v6.25

Hi! Additional to Ticket#2014122166000217 When the number of PPPoE sessions on the device becomes more 1000 - when you turn off the one PPPoE session on all other sessions observed packet loss. what do you mean by "turn off" this session ? logoff by user, as examle. Or kick by hand in mik...
by ufm
Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:45 pm
Forum: General
Topic: RouterOS v6.25
Replies: 107
Views: 46663

Re: RouterOS v6.25


Additional to Ticket#2014122166000217

When the number of PPPoE sessions on the device becomes more 1000 - when you turn off the one PPPoE session on all other sessions observed packet loss.
by ufm
Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:01 am
Forum: General
Topic: RouterOS v6.25
Replies: 107
Views: 46663

Re: RouterOS v6.25


In 6.25 increased lost of generated netflow packets.
by ufm
Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:57 am
Forum: General
Topic: RouterOS v6.25
Replies: 107
Views: 46663

Re: RouterOS v6.25


BTW, need fix year in cli:

> "MikroTik RouterOS 6.25 (c) 1999-2014"
by ufm
Mon Dec 29, 2014 2:19 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Mikrotik support
Replies: 5
Views: 1563

Re: Mikrotik support

I couldn't find any emails from the email address you use here. If you sent it from a different address, post the ticket number here, and I will check status
I got answer today.
by ufm
Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:40 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Mikrotik support
Replies: 5
Views: 1563

Re: Mikrotik support

You don´t have Christmas holidays on Ukraine?
I think in Latvia is 24, 25, 26 December holidays
The Internet has no holidays. :)
by ufm
Fri Dec 26, 2014 2:41 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Mikrotik support
Replies: 5
Views: 1563

Mikrotik support


21, 2014 9:20:04 PM I wrote the letter to support.
Since then I have not received any response, except for the letter from the robot that my appeal is taken.
Tell me, in mikrotik were real people or robots seized power?
by ufm
Wed Dec 24, 2014 10:06 am
Forum: Announcements
Topic: v6.24 RC
Replies: 50
Views: 44701

Re: v6.24 RC

We had a crash on our PPPOE-Concentrator when huge number of pppoe clients connect/disconnect, sent supout: Tcket#2014122466000113] We still don't see a good balance of the cores using VPLS / Bridge / PPPOE server: [Ticket#2014122366000393] We not had crash, but have extremally CPU usage in massive...
by ufm
Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:14 pm
Forum: General
Topic: 6.24rc
Replies: 1
Views: 1733


*) improved CCR ethernet driver (less dropped packets);

It's about ethernet interfaces only or the same applies to sfp+ ?
by ufm
Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:18 pm
Forum: General
Topic: netflow v5 and pppoe interface number.
Replies: 0
Views: 855

netflow v5 and pppoe interface number.

Hi! In SNMP I see these interface numbers: IF-MIB::ifName.15746085 = STRING: <pppoe-and@server1> IF-MIB::ifName.15816524 = STRING: <pppoe-1111772414> IF-MIB::ifName.15844525 = STRING: <pppoe-debgigul> IF-MIB::ifName.15844556 = STRING: <pppoe-dffg@dk> 15746085, as example - its uint32. netflow v5 for...
by ufm
Wed Sep 24, 2014 9:01 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Mirror PPPoE traffic via ethernet port
Replies: 0
Views: 976

Mirror PPPoE traffic via ethernet port


Help me please.

How to mirror traffic for one PPPoE session via ethernet port? I.e. all incoming and outgoing packets should be copied to eth1, for example.

by ufm
Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:40 am
Forum: General
Topic: CCR1072-1G-8S+
Replies: 0
Views: 1273



Only one question: When?

P.S. Also interesting switch for 8-12 ports SFP+ and price no more 100$ for port. :)
by ufm
Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:08 am
Forum: General
Topic: Feature request: Bridge name in radius answer for ppp
Replies: 2
Views: 1532

Feature request: Bridge name in radius answer for ppp


In ppp profile exists filed "Bridge".
I would like to receive the value of this field from Radius server.

Please! :)

by ufm
Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:05 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.19rc for CCR tests needed!
Replies: 57
Views: 25664

Re: v6.19rc for CCR tests needed!

Is this intended to fix Queue Tree performance ?
And simple queue.
And really performance increased.

by ufm
Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:03 pm
Forum: General
Topic: v6.19rc for CCR tests needed!
Replies: 57
Views: 25664

Re: v6.19rc for CCR tests needed!

RouterOS: 6.19rc6

Greatest improvement of performance!
Many thank to the RouterOS development team!

by ufm
Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:49 am
Forum: General
Topic: queue simple and CPU
Replies: 0
Views: 840

queue simple and CPU

Hi! Dear colleagues, help me, please. We have CCR1036-8G-2S+ as PPPoE server. I encountered such a problem: with any type of Queue unable to get more than 450Mps flow speed. Even if set all limits to 0. I see the load on one of the cpu core 99% (load can migrate between cores, and can be assigned to...
by ufm
Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:07 am
Forum: General
Topic: pppoe server and service name
Replies: 3
Views: 1408

Re: pppoe server and service name

From documentation:

"Server will accept clients which sends PADI message with service-names that matches this setting or if service-name field in PADI message is not set."
by ufm
Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:06 am
Forum: General
Topic: Simple queue, SFQ and CPU
Replies: 5
Views: 3741

Re: Simple queue, SFQ and CPU

Question: How to say SFQ do not use only one CPU? May be exist another way to increase SFQ and Simple Queue performance?
by ufm
Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:03 am
Forum: General
Topic: Simple queue, SFQ and CPU
Replies: 5
Views: 3741

Re: Simple queue, SFQ and CPU

And final. max-limit=0/0

In: 0.0-300.0 sec 18.8 GBytes 538 Mbits/sec
Out: 0.0-300.0 sec 26.4 GBytes 756 Mbits/sec
by ufm
Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:01 am
Forum: General
Topic: Simple queue, SFQ and CPU
Replies: 5
Views: 3741

Re: Simple queue, SFQ and CPU

Second step.max-limit=800M/800M
In: 0.0-300.0 sec 15.9 GBytes 456 Mbits/sec
Out: 0.0-300.0 sec 11.9 GBytes 342 Mbits/sec
by ufm
Tue Jul 08, 2014 1:58 am
Forum: General
Topic: Simple queue, SFQ and CPU
Replies: 5
Views: 3741

Simple queue, SFQ and CPU

Hi! Sorry for 3 post, but forum not allow attach more that 3 images to message. Well. RouterOS: 6.15 Router: CCR1036-8G-2S+ PPPoE client (only one). Queue type: name="default-small" kind=sfq sfq-perturb=5 sfq-allot=1514 Client: name="<pppoe-ufm>" target=<pppoe-ufm> parent=none pa...
by ufm
Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:54 pm
Forum: General
Topic: pppoe server and service name
Replies: 3
Views: 1408

pppoe server and service name


Why pppoe server configured without service name answers to client with set some service name?

by ufm
Thu Apr 03, 2014 4:15 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Question to mikrotik
Replies: 1
Views: 887

Question to mikrotik


You make excellent hardware. May be you plan to start production of GEPON equipment? :)
by ufm
Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:05 am
Forum: General
Topic: Feature request: Framed-Route and Mikrotik-Address-List
Replies: 9
Views: 5240

Feature request: Framed-Route and Mikrotik-Address-List

Hi! Mikrotik have nice feature - Radius attribute "Mikrotik-Address-List". But if add route for additional IP Addresses via Radius attribute "Framed-Route" - this addreses do not add to address list. Feature request: add addresses listed in "Framed-Route" to address lis...
by ufm
Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:13 pm
Forum: General
Topic: feature request: network namespaces support
Replies: 2
Views: 3318

feature request: network namespaces support

Do you plan to support namespaces? This feature of new linux kernels allow build "virtual routers" without "hardware virtualisation" on any hardware.
by ufm
Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:53 am
Forum: General
Topic: Radius CoA and PoD with PPPOE
Replies: 19
Views: 19458

Re: Radius CoA and PoD with PPPOE

+1 to request CoA support.
by ufm
Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:19 am
Forum: General
Topic: Feature request: Bridge like a hub, not a switch.
Replies: 0
Views: 1295

Feature request: Bridge like a hub, not a switch.


Need way make bridge that could work as a hub, not like a switch.

Like this:
[admin@MikroTik] /interface bridge> set ageing-time=00:00:00

P.S. brctl setageing <bridge> 0 - work as need.
by ufm
Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:32 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Unable to set "Ageing Time" to 0
Replies: 1
Views: 1775

Unable to set "Ageing Time" to 0

Hi! [admin@MikroTik] /interface bridge> set ageing-time=00:00:00 value of ageing-time is out of range (00:00:10 .. 1w4d13:46:40) In linux I can do brctl setageing <bridge> 0 and thereafter, the bridge begins to operate as a hub, it starts forward incoming packets to all ports. If I can't set ageing ...
by ufm
Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:10 pm
Forum: General
Topic: NOT TO DO. Weird instalations?
Replies: 385
Views: 284600

Re: NOT TO DO. Weird instalations?

Uufm, does it still work ?
Yes. After defrost and drying unit continued his hard work.
by ufm
Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:16 pm
Forum: General
Topic: NOT TO DO. Weird instalations?
Replies: 385
Views: 284600

Re: NOT TO DO. Weird instalations?

by ufm
Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:18 am
Forum: General
Topic: sysctl or procfs?
Replies: 3
Views: 1966

sysctl or procfs?

Is there a way to get to the sysctl or procfs settings?
by ufm
Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:09 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Feature request: proxy_arp_pvlan
Replies: 10
Views: 6135

Feature request: proxy_arp_pvlan

Hi! Need support for proxy_arp_pvlan ("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/<interface name>/proxy_arp_pvlan" in linux). proxy_arp_pvlan - BOOLEAN Private VLAN proxy arp. Basically allow proxy arp replies back to the same interface (from which the ARP request/solicitation was received). This is done to...
by ufm
Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:07 pm
Forum: General
Topic: local proxy arp ?
Replies: 11
Views: 7565

Re: local proxy arp ?

I'm up this topic.
How to in routeros enable proxy_arp_pvlan in 6.6 version?