Is not Spanish...¿Che cosa?
You have done what I wrote on post #8?How can I remove unnecessary (garbage) from the log?
In a RouterOS script is there an equivalent to a GoTo statement in Basic?
CCR2004-1G-12S-2XS -------DEAD
# here ↓
:local filename ("IP-Scan_".[/system/identity get value-name=name]."_".$scanInterface."_".$ds."_".$ts)
"Rogues are very keen in their profession, and know already much more than we can teach them."
Yes but, 30 clients, at what speed each?I believe maximum is 30 clients, the RB5009UG gonna do its job in this situation?
Ah, I thought you had a similar problem, but I either didn't read it or inadvertently ignored it.Helping @evilsabc, a generous and substantial commitment IMO.Thanks... But for what??? 🤷♂️
Reasoning in a similar way, even small files could be sent inside supout...It's a question. They are not visible in their supout viewer, but who knows...(I do not check) Global variables are inside supout???
Thanks... But for what??? 🤷♂️@rextended Thank you, and well done!
/interface ethernet reset numbers=[/interface ethernet find where default-name=ether1]
/system ; package print detail ; routerboard settings print ; /partition print detail
/system ; package print detail ; device-mode print ; routerboard ; print ; settings print ; /partition print detail
/system device-mode update activation-timeout=60s mode=advanced install-any-version=yes partitions=yes routerboard=yes
Because this time with device-mode s–t no one want lock his devices, so less persons than before do tests...Well, no one reported it for the testing (beta and rc) releases...
They should make 7.16.3 (which would be the same size as the kernel that goes with it) with the space fix,Then original question stands - are there any alternatives to netinstall...
on [successful] upgrade or netinstall
well..More CEF features are in development for the next betas
Filter all and add with more weight manually, is easy, and can circumvent provider incapacity...another provider that can give the full routing table only
Probably the SUPs from more than a day ago have already been forgotten...Why do not Miktotik update my SUP with this information is an outer question.
From MikroTik RouterOS 7.18 support for CEF (Commont Event Format) logging format is added, as well as timestamp support for milliseconds.
Support for CEF (Commont Event Format) logging format and timestamp support for milliseconds.
/31 address support
OpenVPN Password cap increased to 1000 characters
+100If the network team cannot see the ONT …. ESCALATE TO some one who can … do not give up … this is not rocket science … someone from the NOC should be able to help you to resolve this ….
So if you need to learn Italian, start by looking at examples of Swahili?I'm new to MikroTik and scripting and wanted to get a basis to start off of.
So, obviously is lost time. This forum is full of correct examples.That obviously didn't work.
And for what reason?@normis and others working on Winbox 4 should prioritize SUP-175441
More or less reliable sources, or do you just write because you don't know what to write?Probably it will be added soon (7.18)
/caps-man interface disable [find where name~"^AP-1stFloor-.*"]
(And if you had an ISP that knows how to do its job, there wasn't one)...
Surely this is something the ISP should be fixing rather than you at the edge of their network?
(And if you had an ISP that knows how to do its job, there wasn't one)...
Oops, sorry, I actually meant it as a serious question...Thanks for the confirmation you missed the point. My bad for not including aat the end.
this makes updating old scripts much complicated.
I don't know where you read this, but change your dealer...using the JSON Parse :parse command
:parse command cannot properly process the incoming data
The topic was created 15 years ago and still no "break" functionality for loops
We have identified the issue and a fix is coming shortly.
No need for +1 comments. You already have the attention by Mikrotik.
We have identified the issue and a fix is coming shortly.
If the RB951Ui-2HnD does indeed have a public IP, I highly recommend updating it to 6.49.17 and then resetting it to default settings.
This will reset the firewall and everything else you need to the correct defaults.
:foreach item in=[/ppp secret find where $comment~[/system clock get date]] do={ /ppp secret disable $item /ppp active remove [find where name=[/ppp secret get $item name]] }
One of the most beautiful sentences read on the forum.Rushing cloud solutions gets you hacked.
absolutely FALSE and WRONGRouterOS doesn't allow to export/import certificates on another Mikrotik device
I see you get the point...If somehow I find out that my ISP is using such way to update their router, from public source script without proper automated source checks / sanitization, I will be concerned and probably switch to another ISP, just saying, maybe it's just me...
Yes, because most users can only copy & paste without knowing what they are doing, without distinguishing a list of commands from a list of IPs...I'm not sure the "CRITICAL" is necessary.