Does anyone knows how to drop DNS answers when the query was made with type 255 (hex FF) (type ANY) ?
I'm trying to understand how to block this messages:RA is not 8, is th 8th bit set to 1
IS too late to explain better, but the 2 BYTEs are
10000000 10000101 = 80 85
OOWWW I see, when I tried to insert using terminal, the code gets different when viewing in winbox.Code: Select alladd action=log chain=prerouting content="\03www\06google\03com"
Check the manual.
No. You have to use a byte whose value is the length of the subsequent part of the domain name, example:
So what that means? Should I use space instead of dot ?Content filter parameter can be only a string, and on dns packet the dot do "not exist".
Understand this?
The problem is when you want to filter differently by areas.... or instances..By Default it uses the filters
So to avoid confusion you can Rename IPv4 Filters to another
I solved this for me with Routing Filters under Set Next-Hop-in with multiple Gateway-Addresses. This works for me even for BGP.
Yes it works.Hi, is this script works on latest ros? I can’t run it and get no warnings
Nice!!!!!!Well it didn’t show an error, but here you go:
Code: Select all/ppp active print count-only where (address in and !(address in
Doesn't work.Code: Select all/ppp active print count-only where (address in AND address in !
/ppp active print count-only where (address in AND address not in
Same here.still waiting for the bugfix only update
Have you tried to check the box "not by dst." when creating this kind of rule?Hi all,
FYI - I've tried these mangle rules, with SRC NAT SAME (IP RANGE) but still the IP changes every few minutes on the client side.
But I guess fasttrack will break simple queues.well fasttrack enables you to use fastpath with NAT.
What about winbox access?Read my post about SSH public key authentication above. You'll still have to provide the private key to the script but you can use file permissions to limit its exposure.Is it possible to put a hashed password inside this script?
I did not understand this calculation... from where they got the number "20" ??
Check the uplink traffic.Hard to see from this anything abnormal.
Is someone complaining?
Otherwise, maybe something more go damaged due to the discharge.
What if you execute Dude as administrator from any account ? Maybe it will grant permissions to be updated.It does the same under Administrator account and under non-Administrator account.
Please, post it... Right now I need your working configuration.Slawek,
Right now I am on business trip, and cannot access the router. I will post it next week.
:foreach limited in=[/queue simple find max-limit~"1024k"] do={
:local customerusername [/queue simple get $limited name]
:pick [ $customerusername 8 to end ] }
Hello, would you please export your configuration ? Just to know how did you do it.Thank you, I've t´configured it! It works!What a great feature!
You need to turn off propagate TTL in your MPLS settings. That will hide the internal hops
How did you solve?I have found the solution yesterday, but thank you.
Yes it was only a test if he could send it, i thought that the router can receive them
I have now installed a software on my computer to receiver the traps and it works.
What is a point-to-point area?You can stub the RFC1918 point-to-point area and advertise the loopback area.