Reason above did not work is you added:...
however, I still have no communication with the other party.
1. Not all have time like you available to sit and watch videos all day.
/ip firewall nat
add action=redirect chain=dstnat dst-port=123 in-interface-list=LAN protocol=udp
Proof again you can't please all, everytimeWhy?Oh, thank you so much!, its possibe to disable or remove? thanks
...that last part about copy-pasting from txt editor was just rude.
I am still able to connect successfully to Mikrotiks running 6.47.9 and 6.47.10 from Windows 10 with KB5009543 installed...
But V6.49.2 was only released today????i use RouterOS v6.49.2 and some days ago...
Last I checked, this is a Mikrotik forum?The Ubiquiti WIFI U6 Pro is cheaper than the TPLINK eap660HD by about $80 and thus may be excellent value IF, IF it can be configured in a stand alone mode.
/system logging
add topics=route action=memory prefix="Route Changes"
...If i remember previous version was 6.37
Agree, but it is what he asked.Too much strict, someting can fill the connection and reboot the device without reason...
[:ping count=3] = 0
Yes, it does actually. ...
/interface ethernet reset-mac-address ether1,ether2,...
Personally, I would leave ppp, as this might be needed for VPN / PPPoE. I typically remove/uninstall the following on small client CPEs:..
ppp, mpls, and routing are the usual candidates for disabling.
That will depend on you age I supposelink, not icon???
Link!!! ???
Yes, segregating the connections using Vlans is good to go...
Since the setup is created as only 1 NIC --> Could I create the VLAN1 og VLAN2 - and create the same VLAN on the NIC in VMware - and split it that way instead
Yes, that will explain it, thx, tested and that is the case/int bri por is expanded to /interface bridge port-controller for some reason.. just don't abbreviate cli commands, they are suspected to change anyway.
How is your VPN connections to 1009 working?...
The above l2tp-out go to the CCR1009.
CZfan should the OP look at the new 5009 its in the same ballpark $wise but seems to be more powerful ???
/ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat src-address= dst-address= out-interface=<WhatEverInterfaceIsConnectedToTP-Link> action=masquerade
I public department, we spend less than U$20 per 1Gbps link, but we don’t have money to buy lots of CCR, I live in Brazil, one CCR costs the same as an good car..
Understand that wifi interface will restart, but why is changes not applied?This is true for all configuration methods. Changes to access list will restart the wifi interface. Do this only from a wired connection, or simply be aware of this limitation
It is a /32 address, and usually used for loopback interfaces@BlackRat, the setting you highlited is IMO invalid. It's not logical to have address with network address set to same value....
official word from MT Support is that ROS does not support /31, have to use /30 or alternatively ptp addressing /32...But i ve seen other posts too with problems configuring a /31 subnet between two Mirkotiks
When you enable IPsec encryption you will need to specify a local addressIn what cases do I need to specify addresses for both ends of the IPIP-tunnel, and in what cases it is not necessary?
I tried a IPIP-tunnel without addresses - everything works fine.
Snap!!! :-)Tell Google that; it's Yes, .0 is a perfectly legal address, depending on the netmask.
I know for sure that is not an NTP server.
Please read at start wiki about LTE
Just to be sure modem doesn't emit smoke...
I don't think the problem is STP, I rather think you have a loop in your network
Yes, problem was with stp! Somebody can elaborate why stp was problem and is only solution to disable it?
viewtopic.php?f=21&t=171035&p=840920&hi ... dp#p840552...SIP packets falling foul of MNDP.
I had a search of the forums but couldn't find the post you mentioned
I suspect there is a big push to get V7 out, hence the huge change released in Dec 2020, but suspect we will still get a couple V6 updatesI'm wondering if perhaps they do not intend to release a 6.49 (moving to v7 instead as the next stable release after 6.48) ...
/queue simple
add disabled=no max-limit=16M/16M name="PC-LIMIT" target=ether1
add action=accept chain=forward out-interface=lte1
add action=accept chain=forward in-interface=lte1
Great, now I know they reworked my article without even mentioning me... That's a bit depressing :)
How fast is fast?where fast fail over is needed
This should not really cause a major problem as the 4011 has 2,5Gb/s paths between each switch chip and CPU.Probably RSTP is enabled on the bridge, and as a result hw-offloading is disabled.
Yes I did unfortunatelly I did not see any read receipt nor any response yet. Something may have gone wrong. You could possibly use Thank you
Dude is this way --->
my esxi not free license dude
On hEX you need to disable STP on bridge for hardware offload, i.e. protocol-mode=noneBridge port hardware offloading remains disabled on hEX (RB750Gr3):
@mducharme: advertise-filters have been set, but still all addresses show up in the neigbor status page. Not a big issue, but I was just wondering whether this is normal behaviour or not.
Why do you put devices on separate VLANS when afterwards you want to connect them together on L2 (use discovery protocols)???
Thanks for the clarification, what about only one IP routing?