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dns server static ttls keep refresh

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:56 pm
by FlyRaz
Hi Dear all,

i'm using RB4011iGS+5HacQ2HnD RouteOS for my internal DNS server,

when i trying to find my ssh hangs issue,
i notice my static DNS record ttl will always keep refresh his time

like attachments gif
I used RB3011 before, and I didn’t notice if the same happened

it's normal behavior?

here is my dns settings
[admin@MikroTik] /ip dns> print
              verify-doh-cert: no
        allow-remote-requests: yes
          max-udp-packet-size: 8192
         query-server-timeout: 2s
          query-total-timeout: 10s
       max-concurrent-queries: 1000
  max-concurrent-tcp-sessions: 200
                   cache-size: 2048KiB
                cache-max-ttl: 5d
                   cache-used: 185KiB