We bought CHR licence from our local reseller.
We want to install CHR on esxi 5.5.
Reading manuals (and trying to install) I saw that VMDK file is limited to 128MB.
I also saw that we shod increase drive size for production use.
For me looks like that there is no way to increase VMDK IDE file on ESXI.
My questions are:
Is there difference when RuterOS on ESXI is installed using downloaded ISO. (I see that there is differences in platforms VMDK show us x84_64 and installation from ISO give us only 86 arch)?
Can we get VMDK with bigger size so we can easy that deployed it on ESXi?
Another question is
Do we need to increase size, or we can just add another disk as USB disk or another drive.
When we install Ruteros using default iso-instaltion then there is no problems whit disk size, we can set it as much as we like becouse we create different drive for instalation attach ISO as DVD/ROM.
But I relay do not want to broke licence on incorrect version of.
Thanx in advanced