I had some HE IPv6 addresses used in the past, which worked as expected. I added them to several pools and assigned them to different interfaces.
Now I deleted those assignments and pools. Everything is fine, just after a reboot, the old addresses appear again, this time with errors, since the pools are gone.
Code: Select all
553 G ;;; WAN ULA
fd01::1/64 bridge-wan yes
554 G ;;; LAN ULA
fd00::1/64 bridge-lan yes
555 IG ;;; Hurricane Electric IPv6 Tunnel Broker
2001:470:1f1a:3e6::2/64 *18 no
556 IG ;;; Hurricane Electric 48 Pool
;;; address pool error: pool not found: pool-HE-48-0 (4)
::/64 pool-H... bridge-lan yes
557 IG ;;; Hurricane Electric 64 Pool
;;; address pool error: pool not found: pool-HE-64 (4)
::1/64 pool-H... bridge-wan no
558 IG ;;; PI Link
;;; address pool error: pool not found: pool-HE-48-1 (4)
::/64 pool-H... bridge-secondary yes
559 XG ;;; Hurricane Electric 48 Pool
::1/64 pool-H... bridge-lan yes
560 IG ;;; Hurricane Electric 48 Pool
;;; address pool error: pool not found: pool-HE-48-0 (4)
::/64 pool-H... bridge-lan yes
561 IG ;;; Hurricane Electric 64 Pool
;;; address pool error: pool not found: pool-HE-64 (4)
::1/64 pool-H... bridge-wan no
562 IG ;;; PI Link
;;; address pool error: pool not found: pool-HE-48-1 (4)
::/64 pool-H... bridge-secondary yes
563 DL fe80::6e3b:6bff:fee4:6c66/64 bridge-lan no >
564 DL fe80::6e3b:6bff:fee4:6c67/64 bridge-ampr no >
I tried clearing the configuration and restoring the config, disabling the ipv6 module and enabling it again to no avail. After each reboot, those old addresses are back.
Is a complete reconfiguration my only chance?