1. Always state your question in a clear and readable format. Start with the facts, and the main problem. Then go into more details. Most people will not dive into a huge amount of text, you need a short introduction. The subject of your topic should be clear and to the point. Do not write things like "help!", "problem", "bug in RouterOS" and similar. Write exactly what's wrong.
2. Format the post, use emphasis on important parts. DO NOT WRITE IN CAPS or everything in BOLD, this annoys most people.
Use CODE blocks for configuration:
Code: Select all
Like this: [code]Configuration is more readable in a CODE block
3. Include network diagram drawings so other members can understand your network. If you don't have a special program to draw layouts, you can use The Dude - make your network layout and export it to an image! Other free programs to make network layouts:
Network notepad: http://www.networknotepad.com/
Pencil: http://pencil.evolus.vn/en-US/Home.aspx
DIA: http://dia-installer.de/index.html.en
Cacoo (online) https://cacoo.com/
4. Include screenshots! Make screenshots of any problem that you have. Use special Screenshot programs to make it easier, and draw annotations. To include a screenshot, simply put the JPG/PNG link in the IMG brackets:
Code: Select all
Zscreen: http://code.google.com/p/zscreen/
Jing: http://www.techsmith.com/jing/
Cloud: http://getcloudapp.com/
Droplr: https://droplr.com/
5. Include logs! If your wireless link has disconnected, or package didn't install - this will be reflected in the RouterOS log file. Click on the LOG section, or type "/log print follow" in the console. Post the output along with the question.
6. Include the version of the software that you are using! RouterOS v5rc1 or Dude 4.2 for example.