Now-DNS has put together this simple script to use to update our dynamic DNS service from your MikroTik router.
It does rely on having https support for the fetch command (which recent versions have).
Setup a scheduler task to run the script as often as you require.
Code: Select all
# Now-DNS automatic Dynamic DNS update
#--------------- Change Values in this section to match your setup ------------------
# No-DNS User account info
:local NowUser "your_email"
:local NowPass "your_password"
# Your hostname you want to update
# To specify multiple hosts, separate them with commas.
:local NowHost ""
:local url "\3F"
:log info "Now-DNS: sending update for $host"
/tool fetch url=($url . "hostname=$NowHost") user=$NowUser password=$NowPass mode=https dst-path=("now-dns.txt")
:log info "Now-DNS: host $host updated with IP $currentIP"