:local files {$backupconf;$backuplog}
/tool e-mail send to="vvs@somewhere.com" subject="$[/system identity get name]-$[/system clock get time] Backup Configuration & Log - SBB-Optic" file=$files
I just put myself on place of developer and imagine how I would passed few files...file (File[,File]; Default: ) - List of the file names that will be attached to the mail separated by comma."
Great idea. Still works.sends two files!!!Code: Select all:local files {$backupconf;$backuplog} /tool e-mail send to="vvs@somewhere.com" subject="$[/system identity get name]-$[/system clock get time] Backup Configuration & Log - SBB-Optic" file=$files
Why - I don't know.
Because wiki clearly says (https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:Tools/email):I just put myself on place of developer and imagine how I would passed few files...file (File[,File]; Default: ) - List of the file names that will be attached to the mail separated by comma."
/tool e-mail send to="rcvr@rcvr.net" from="$sysName@sndr.net" body="disk2/sw-content" subject="disk2/sw-content" file=[:file find where name~"disk2/sw/"]