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MikroTik App
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Help with Script

Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:56 pm

Hello, I use a script I got right here on the forum that verifies the use of the pools and warns (via log and email) that they are close to the limit of ips, with version 5.x script works perfectly, but in version 6.x does not work, someone could check the script below and tell me what has to be adapted to make it work in version 6.x?
# List stats for IP -> Pool
# criticalthreshold = output pool display in red if pool used is above this %
# warnthreshold = output pool display in gold if pool used is above this %

:local criticalthreshold 95
:local warnthreshold 90

# Internal processing below...
# ----------------------------------
/ip pool {
   :local poolname
   :local pooladdresses
   :local poolused
   :local poolpercent
   :local minaddress
   :local maxaddress
   :local findindex
   :local tmpint
   :local maxindex
   :local line

   :put ("IP Pool Statistics")
   :put ("------------------")

# Iterate through IP Pools
   :foreach p in=[find] do={

      :set poolname [get $p name]
      :set pooladdresses 0
      :set poolused 0
      :set line ""

      :set line ("     " . $poolname)

#   Iterate through current pool's IP ranges
      :foreach r in=[:toarray [get $p range]] do={

#      Get min and max addresses
         :set findindex [:find [:tostr $r] "-"]
         :if ([:len $findindex] > 0) do={
            :set minaddress [:pick [:tostr $r] 0 $findindex]
            :set maxaddress [:pick [:tostr $r] ($findindex + 1) [:len [:tostr $r]]]
         } else={
            :set minaddress [:tostr $r]
            :set maxaddress [:tostr $r]

#       Convert to array of octets (replace '.' with ',')
         :for x from=0 to=([:len [:tostr $minaddress]] - 1) do={
            :if ([:pick [:tostr $minaddress] $x ($x + 1)] = ".") do={
               :set minaddress ([:pick [:tostr $minaddress] 0 $x] . "," . \
                                       [:pick [:tostr $minaddress] ($x + 1) [:len [:tostr $minaddress]]]) }
         :for x from=0 to=([:len [:tostr $maxaddress]] - 1) do={
            :if ([:pick [:tostr $maxaddress] $x ($x + 1)] = ".") do={
               :set maxaddress ([:pick [:tostr $maxaddress] 0 $x] . "," . \
                                       [:pick [:tostr $maxaddress] ($x + 1) [:len [:tostr $maxaddress]]]) }

#      Calculate available addresses for current range
         :if ([:len [:toarray $minaddress]] = [:len [:toarray $maxaddress]]) do={
            :set maxindex ([:len [:toarray $minaddress]] - 1)
            :for x from=$maxindex to=0 step=-1 do={
#             Calculate 256^($maxindex - $x)
               :set tmpint 1
               :if (($maxindex - $x) > 0) do={
                  :for y from=1 to=($maxindex - $x) do={ :set tmpint (256 * $tmpint) }
               :set tmpint ($tmpint * ([:tonum [:pick [:toarray $maxaddress] $x]] - \
                                                    [:tonum [:pick [:toarray $minaddress] $x]]) )
               :set pooladdresses ($pooladdresses + $tmpint)
#         for x

#      if len array $minaddress = $maxaddress

#      Add current range to total pool's available addresses
         :set pooladdresses ($pooladdresses + 1)

#   foreach r

#   Now, we have the available address for all ranges in this pool
#   Get the number of used addresses for this pool
      :set poolused [:len [used find pool=[:tostr $poolname]]]
      :set poolpercent (($poolused * 100) / $pooladdresses)

#   Output information
      :set line ([:tostr $line] . "  [" . $poolused . "/" . $pooladdresses . "]")
      :set line ([:tostr $line] . "  " . $poolpercent . " % utilizado")

#   Set colored display for used thresholds
      :if ( [:tonum $poolpercent] > $criticalthreshold ) do={
         :log error ("O Pool " . $poolname . " esta com " . $poolpercent . "% de utilizacao (CRITICO)")
         :put ([:terminal style varname] . $line)
	 :tool e-mail send to="" tls=yes body="O Pool '$poolname' esta com '$poolpercent' % de utilizacao (CRITICO)" \
		subject="$[/system identity get name] $[/system clock get date] $[/system clock get time] IPs acabando!"
      } else={
         :if ( [:tonum $poolpercent] > $warnthreshold ) do={
            :log warning ("O Pool " . $poolname . " esta com " . $poolpercent . "% de utilizacao (ALERTA)")
            :put ([:terminal style syntax-meta] . $line)
         } else={
            :put ([:terminal style none] . $line)

# foreach p
# /ip pool
Thanks in advance.

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