I initially tried setting it up as a cAP where my L009 was the cAPsMAN but when it didnt work, I did a reset of the cAP and set it up from scratch locally.
The config I'm trying at the momnet is a very simple one but it doesnt seem to be working. I have also tried specifying the frequency range, toggle the Skip DFS channels option, and a few other things. None of them worked either.
The below configuration is after a clean reset. I see the Mikro2 network but not the Mikro5. Also, I'm checking this from 3 different devices (all wifi6 devices)
Code: Select all
[admin@MikroTik] > export
# 1970-01-02 01:07:33 by RouterOS 7.11.2
# software id = CKJB-VIB6
# model = cAPGi-5HaxD2HaxD
# serial number = <redacted>
/interface wifiwave2
set [ find default-name=wifi1 ] channel.band=5ghz-ax .skip-dfs-channels=\
10min-cac configuration.mode=ap .ssid=Mikro5 disabled=no \
set [ find default-name=wifi2 ] channel.band=2ghz-ax .width=20/40mhz \
configuration.mode=ap .ssid=Mikro2 disabled=no
/system note
set show-at-login=no