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cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:02 am

I have a new cAP ax and tried to set it up with a 5GHz and a 2.4 GHz network. the 2.4 seems to work fine but the 5 GHz SSID never shows up on any of the devices.
I initially tried setting it up as a cAP where my L009 was the cAPsMAN but when it didnt work, I did a reset of the cAP and set it up from scratch locally.
The config I'm trying at the momnet is a very simple one but it doesnt seem to be working. I have also tried specifying the frequency range, toggle the Skip DFS channels option, and a few other things. None of them worked either.

The below configuration is after a clean reset. I see the Mikro2 network but not the Mikro5. Also, I'm checking this from 3 different devices (all wifi6 devices)

[admin@MikroTik] > export
# 1970-01-02 01:07:33 by RouterOS 7.11.2
# software id = CKJB-VIB6
# model = cAPGi-5HaxD2HaxD
# serial number = <redacted>
/interface wifiwave2
set [ find default-name=wifi1 ] .skip-dfs-channels=\
    10min-cac configuration.mode=ap .ssid=Mikro5 disabled=no \
set [ find default-name=wifi2 ] .width=20/40mhz \
    configuration.mode=ap .ssid=Mikro2 disabled=no
/system note
set show-at-login=no
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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:06 am

Set frequency manually so you KNOW which frequency you should see.
Start with the lowest one (5160).
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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:12 am

Set frequency manually so you KNOW which frequency you should see.
Start with the lowest one (5160).
I tried that too
FYI, 5160 is unsupported. cap ax supports 5180 to 5885
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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:13 am

Another thing worth mentioning is, I wanted to check if the radios in the device are good, so I did a scan using the 5GHz radio
Within 5 seconds all the 5 GHz networks around me showed up in the scan window (networks on multiple frequencies within 5GHz)
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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:38 am

True about 5180 being minimum.
One thing which is also missing in your minimal config: country settings.
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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:36 am

True about 5180 being minimum.
One thing which is also missing in your minimal config: country settings.
I've tried that as well, but it didn't work
Basically every combination of Channel width, frequency, country, security.
None of them helped
And even if all the above mentioned settings are left blank, and just SSID is set, the expected behaviour is the SSID should come up.
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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:21 am

So even if you reset to factory default, there is no 5GHz channel being sent out (Mikrotik-vwxyz) ?
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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:58 pm

So even if you reset to factory default, there is no 5GHz channel being sent out (Mikrotik-vwxyz) ?
I did another reset and it did kinda work this time
so if I set the frequency on 5g to any or all bands between 5170-5250 the SSID comes up. If I include any frequency after this e.g. 5300 the SSID disappears again. What exactly is going on here?
P.S I'm not an expert in wireless, especially mikrotik wireless but I do have a fair understanding.

Also, the speeds are not very good for me compared to my old TP Link Archer A9
I have a 300 Mbps internet plan and usually get a little extra (320-340 Mbps when using Ethernet or the TP Link router). With cAP ax, it initially shoots upto 320 but then gradually drops down and stabilizes around 250-270
I'm yet to do an iPerf test for a more reliable test
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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:38 pm

Frequencies between 5260 and 5720 MHz (give or take, it slightly depends on country regulations) are subject to DFS. In short this means that when device selects such a frequency, it has to "listen" (without transmiting anything) for a minute or for 10 minutes (depending on particular frequency range chosen) and try to detect any radars that might be using that frequency. When MT wireless enters the detection phase, it says so in logs.
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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Wed Dec 27, 2023 4:42 pm

good day,
have anyone from above managed to make work the 5GHz band on the new cAP ax ?
I've got the same problem like akeeltaj has/had.

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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:44 pm

I have more then 10 cAP AX working just fine in a capsman setup.
And at least the same amount of AX2 and AX3, all the same chipset/HW.
There's conceptually nothing wrong with those devices.

So without a view on your config (complete config) nobody will be able to help.
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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:55 pm

Yep works all good here
 interface/wifi/monitor 0,1,2,3            
                 state: running      running running      running
               channel: 5500/ax/Ceee 2412/ax 5180/ax/Ceee 2462/ax
      registered-peers: 3            0       3            2
      authorized-peers: 3            0       3            2
              tx-power: 22           14      18           15
    available-channels: 5500/ax/Ceee 2412/ax 5180/ax/Ceee 2462/ax
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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:29 am

So even if you reset to factory default, there is no 5GHz channel being sent out (Mikrotik-vwxyz) ?
I did another reset and it did kinda work this time
so if I set the frequency on 5g to any or all bands between 5170-5250 the SSID comes up. If I include any frequency after this e.g. 5300 the SSID disappears again. What exactly is going on here?
P.S I'm not an expert in wireless, especially mikrotik wireless but I do have a fair understanding.

Also, the speeds are not very good for me compared to my old TP Link Archer A9
I have a 300 Mbps internet plan and usually get a little extra (320-340 Mbps when using Ethernet or the TP Link router). With cAP ax, it initially shoots upto 320 but then gradually drops down and stabilizes around 250-270
I'm yet to do an iPerf test for a more reliable test
I have this exact same issue as well. Even when the Country Setting is set to the UK the only way I can get the 5Ghz wifi to work is to either
(a) Set the channels manually as above
(b) Set skip DFS channels to all.

At which point my 5Ghz WiFi will come up fine.

When I don't have the above set, I can see it trying to check for DFS and it counts down, but if I leave for 10+ mins (and longer), it still doesn't work.

Could there be a regulatory issue with UK?

For the moment I have set in Capsman to skip DFS channels, which is rather annoying.


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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Sat Dec 30, 2023 12:00 pm

Could there be a regulatory issue with UK?

For the moment I have set in Capsman to skip DFS channels, which is rather annoying.
The "problem" with DFS checks is that there's no guarantee that AP will start transmitting after DFS timer (either 1m or 10m) expires. If AP detects something whuch might be a radar, then it'll select different frequency and start listening again (with timer reset). And things can repeat. So if AP selects multiple 10m DFS channels in a row, this listening might go on for half an hour or more. If you see this happening frequently it's really best to configure AP to skip DFS channels.
Mind that radar detection is not perfect (it's not that there are some radar signatures available for AP vendors to integrate, they have to develop some algorithms and failing to detect a real radar is not an option hence high sensitivity of algorithms and frequent false positives) so AP may freak out for various spurious RF noise ... even if no radar is operated near AP (but also mind that weather radars have measurenent range exceeding 300km/200mi so it's hard to claim that a 5GHz AP can not dusturb any radar, specially as AP is using high Tx power compared to reflections off rain droplets).
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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:41 am

Just got a hAP ax2 and a cAP ax, 5G doesn't work with either, both using default config. 2.4G works fine. I'm surprised basic stuff like this doesn't work out of the box, surely it's in Mikrotik's interest to offer a basic plug-and-play UX out of the box to get people excited. After searching around it seems a lot of users have this problem. The crappy router supplied by my ISP does not have this problem and 5G works flawlessly every time. What setting do we need to change for 5G to work? (and why isn't that the default config?)
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Re: cAP ax 5 GHz not working

Fri Mar 29, 2024 9:36 am

Check the actual 5GHz frequency used while your hAP ax2 seems not to be working. With recent ROS releases, ax devices seem to prefer highest frequencies (when left at auto selection) and not every client supports those.