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Adjusting netwatch ICMP check by % of current RTT values... `$scalenetwatch`

Tue Mar 12, 2024 5:35 am

This has come up a few times for me (and others) when using netwatch with a type=icmp check. Basically netwatch icmp is more "picky" than the type=simple check since it also check various RTT for max/min/stdev as well as jitter. This is useful, but when netwatch decides if a host= is "up" or "down" since latency is an important consideration (vs just a ping, at some point came back)

Down side is netwatch with ICMP will use default values for the RTT and jitter "thresholds" – so often folks wonder why it's "not working" when it just the default value is too low. More recent docs suggest:
Default Netwatch values are always used - even if they were not defined by the user. Make sure to check the "status" page of the probe to see if the default thresholds are appropriate for your use case. Default threshold values can be found under the "probe options" section on this page.
I've previously set the all the netwatch values based on the "Status" pages, "by hand" – to avoid the above defaults. And generally a better idea to THINK about what "how bad is too bad" with the particular upstream it's monitoring – not all links the same.

I'd want to write a script to update a netwatch's RTT/jitter threshold values (specifically thr-jitter, thr-max, thr-stddev, thr-avg) by some percentage % from the last test's ACTUAL value. Below is a first attempt at a script function to do this, $scalenetwatch.

If the function at bottom of post is loaded, it works like this:
# create a new ICMP netwatch if needed

/tool/netwatch add type=icmp host= comment=scaletest interval=3s

# then use "find" to locate one to update (here it's find'ing the one above)
# to call the \$scalenetwatch function, which will set the RTT and jitter to +25% from last test

$scalenetwatch [/tool/netwatch find comment=scaletest]

What this will output is this:
$scalenetwatch [/tool/netwatch find comment=scaletest]
using default denom=4 or +25% of current value to set netwatch thresholds for ICMP RTT
hint: use $$scalenetwatch denom=4 [/tool/netwatch find host=]
denom=<num> is the adjustment expressed as: 1 / <num>
so denom=2 means 1/2 or 50% - default: denom=2 or 25%
using adjustment of 25%
changed rtt-avg = 00:00:00.011417500 [ diff: -2ms old: 00.013786 ]
changed rtt-jitter = 00:00:00.000827500 [ diff: 0ms old: 00.000957 ]
changed rtt-max = 00:00:00.011918750 [ diff: -2ms old: 00.014274 ]
changed rtt-stdev = 00:00:00.000303750 [ diff: 0ms old: 00.000315 ]

To be more conservative than default 25%, there is a denom= parameter. denom=2 will mean 50%, and denom=1 mean double the current values. So here is same netwatch adjusted at 50%:
$scalenetwatch denom=2 [/tool/netwatch find comment=scaletest]    
using adjustment of 50%
changed rtt-avg = 00:00:00.013786500     [ diff: 2ms old: 00.011461 ]
changed rtt-jitter = 00:00:00.000957     [ diff: 0ms old: 00.000897 ]
changed rtt-max = 00:00:00.014274        [ diff: 2ms old: 00.012040 ]
changed rtt-stdev = 00:00:00.000315      [ diff: 0ms old: 00.000312 ]
update done

Here is the code for $scalenetwatch function. Please comment below if you have any suggestions/bug reports.
:global scalenetwatch do={
    :local scaletime do={:return [:totime "$([:tonsec [:totime $1]] + ([:tonsec [:totime $1]]/$2))ns"]}
    :local setchg do={
        :local attrs [/tool/netwatch/get $1]
        :local attname "thr-$[:pick $2 4 12]"
        :local prev ($attrs->$attname)
        :local diffms (([:tonsec [:totime $3]] - [:tonsec [:totime $prev]])/1000000)
        [[:parse "/tool/netwatch set $1 $attname=$3"]]
        :put "changed $($attrs->"host")\t$2 = $3 \t [ diff: $($diffms)ms old: $[:pick $prev 6 99] ]"
    :local nwattrs 
    :do { :set nwattrs [/tool/netwatch get $1] } on-error={
        :error "\$$0 requires an .id of netwatch – use [/tool/netwatch find host= type=icmp] or similar as arg"
    # default 1/4 or 25% 
    :local ldenom 4
    :if ([:typeof [:tonum $denom]]~"num") do={
        :set ldenom [:tonum $denom]
    } else={
        :put "using default denom=4 or +25% of current value to set netwatch thresholds for ICMP RTT"
        :put "\thint:  use \$$0 denom=4 [/tool/netwatch find host=] "
        :put "\t       denom=<num> is the adjustment expressed as: 1 / <num>"
        :put "\t       so denom=2 means 1/2 or 50% - default: denom=2 or 25%"
    :if ($ldenom > 0) do={
        :put "using adjustment of $(100 / $ldenom)%"
    } else={
        :local perc
        # handle denom=0, which causes divide by zero error
        :do { :set perc (100 / $ldenom) } on-error={ :set perc 0}
        :put "warn: negative adjustment of $perc% - you may get failed tests"
    :foreach k,v in=$nwattrs do={
        :if ($k~"rtt-avg|rtt-jitter|rtt-max|rtt-stdev") do={
            :if ($ldenom = 0) do={ $setchg $1 $k $v } else={ $setchg $1 $k [$scaletime $v $ldenom] } 
    :put "update $($nwattrs->"host") done"
    :return [/tool/netwatch get $1]
:global nw [/tool/netwatch find comment=scaletest]
:put [$scalenetwatch $nw denom=2]
:put [$scalenetwatch $nw denom=0]
:put [$scalenetwatch $nw denom=-4]
:put [$scalenetwatch $nw]

Open Issues:
- I know a % be better than using denom=<num> (e.g. 1/<num>) — script got more complex since /tool/netwatch has a funky CLI before I could figure out the math for % with the "time" date types (e.g. you cannot multiple a time type in script). But it actually this local function be better if it "adjust time by some percentage":

:local scaletime do={:return [:totime "$([:tonsec [:totime $1]] + ([:tonsec [:totime $1]]/$2))ns"]}
If someone had ideas how to adapt to use a percentage, open to suggestions here. I might be missing some shortcut in these conversions, but took a second to come up with the above. I gave up trying to figure a percent & took the "PCC approach" to use denominators (denom=) since that was simplier ;).
- I'm not sure what to do abut thr-stdev, current uses same %, but that's not great since reading may have no history esp after change.
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Re: Adjusting netwatch ICMP check by % of current RTT values... `$scalenetwatch`

Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:41 pm

I am not sure to understand. :-?

In your script at some point you need to divide (by 2 or by 4).
If you can divide, you can normally also multiply.
So what is the issue in dividing by 100 and then multiply by 25 or 50?

Or if you can only divide for *whatever reason*, why cannot you pre-calculate denom from percentage?
denom=4 is the inverse of the fraction 1/4 which can be expressed as 25/100, so the inverse is 100/25.
denom=2 is the inverse of the fraction 1/2 which can be expressed as 50/100, so the inverse is 100/50.
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Re: Adjusting netwatch ICMP check by % of current RTT values... `$scalenetwatch`

Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:57 pm

If you have a netwatch, it has some status with the RTT and jitter collected from it. So the script pulls that data, say "rtt-avg" (used in status), and then the netwatch's sets "thr-avg" (use in the trigger)

Overall, idea was script be used to set the stating point from which to adjust as needed. Just using the current values (with a some multiplier) as some reasonable place to start.

So yeah the current script currently cannot actualy take "percentage %" (perhaps, false advertising ;)). So I cheated an used a more "imperial" method of 1/<denom> for the adjustment parameter (I'm in US, we still use inches/feet, and stuff like 1/2 inch). But the "denom=" parameter does correspond to some percentage:

denom=0 — use current RTT/jitter status values as the threshold values
denom=1 — adjust by +100%
denom=2 — adjust by +50%
denom=3 — adjust by +33%
denom=4 — adjust by +25%
denom=5 — adjust by +20%
denom=6 — adjust by +~17%
denom=10 — adjust by +10%
denom=50 — adjust by +2%

The underlying complexity comes because scripting does not let you, easily, multiple a time by a percent (a float) — so converts to nanoseconds are used. Could theoretically take a percentage but it be more math and code.

Technically, denom= can be negative. So,
denom=-2 — adjust by –50%
denom=-4 — adjust by –25%
denom=-50 — adjust by –2%
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Re: Adjusting netwatch ICMP check by % of current RTT values... `$scalenetwatch`

Tue Mar 12, 2024 7:14 pm

I understand that, what I don't understand is why you cannot convert a percentage (without the percent sign) given as parameter by the user to your denom or divide and multiply.

In pseudo-pseudo code:
command by the user:
scaleup rtt-avg 25%

set what=param1
set howmuch=param2
set howmuch=replace(param2;find "%";"")
set homuch=tonum(param2)
set denom=100/howmuch
#at this point denom is 4
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Re: Adjusting netwatch ICMP check by % of current RTT values... `$scalenetwatch`

Tue Mar 12, 2024 7:35 pm

It actually assumes a set of netwatch parameters: "rtt-avg|rtt-jitter|rtt-max|rtt-stdev". That list can be adjusted in the code below if desired:
:foreach k,v in=$nwattrs do={
        :if ($k~"rtt-avg|rtt-jitter|rtt-max|rtt-stdev") do={
            :if ($ldenom = 0) do={ $setchg $1 $k $v } else={ $setchg $1 $k [$scaletime $v $ldenom] } 

As to "percentage support".... I'm not saying it impossible to take a percentage, just more work than my use case. And just a LOT of subtle scripting nuances that get in the way. It's this code that have to change to deal with percentage:
:local scaletime do={:return [:totime "$([:tonsec [:totime $1]] + ([:tonsec [:totime $1]]/$2))ns"]}
(where: $1 is a time-type like 00:00:00.008, or 8ms & $2 is the current denom= value like 4).

I'm sure there is a better way, but it's does get more complex (in the code) vs a funky denom= param that lower # mean less aggressive and higher denom= mean more agressive. If you/anyone updates to support, I'd be happy to re-post any revision. :)
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Re: Adjusting netwatch ICMP check by % of current RTT values... `$scalenetwatch`

Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:11 pm

It seems to me that we are failing to understand each other.

I was NOT suggesting you to use percentages in the script/formula/algorithm, only that you could easily convert a percentage provided by the user to the denom you are using.

If stripping a percentage sign is difficult in ROS scripting, then a parameter of 25 (without the percent sign) is still more intuitive than 4 and can surely be converted as denom=100/param, i.e.
denom=100/25 that will result in 4.

It seems to me a single added division operation at the beginning:
:if ([:typeof [:tonum $denom]]~"num") do={
:set ldenom [:tonum 100 / $denom]
Of course it would make sense to keep the "ldenom" as variable name but modify "denom" to -say - "percent"

Very minor, but you have a typo:
:put "using default denom=4 or +25% of current value to set netwatch thresholds for ICMP RTT"
:put "\thint: use \$$0 denom=4 [/tool/netwatch find host=] "
:put "\t denom=<num> is the adjustment expressed as: 1 / <num>"
:put "\t so denom=2 means 1/2 or 50% - default: denom=2 4 or 25%"

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