I connect the patch cord to the laptop connector.
If you don't have *anything* plugged into a wall socket, then you have no power.
Your device is a cap Ac, it is - at least by name - an Access Point, not a Router, hence the initial perplexity.
It can only be powered via PoE:
and specifically it is supplied with the needed accessories:
1) a normal DC power supply 24V/1.2A
https://cdn.mikrotik.com/web-assets/rb_ ... 22988m.jpg
2) a gigabit PoE injector:
https://cdn.mikrotik.com/web-assets/rb_ ... 29333m.jpg
If you don't have these two (or if you didn't connect them correctly) you will have no power.
#1 takes AC from a wall outlet and transforms it to 24 V DC, outputting it on the jack
#2 takes the 24 V DC from the jack socket and outputs it on the ethernet cable and needs to be inserted on the patch cord, data side to your laptop[1], PoE out to the router/AP, on the PoE in port, it should be marked on the Cap AC as Poe In/ETH1
[1]Configuration of/access to the device is normally done through the wireless connection, it is unlikely that you will have access to it from ethernet on ether1 unless you changed substantially the default configuration, as ether1 is WAN in default configuration, so, once the device is properly powered, if the wireless access is not granted you may try accessing it via ether2, see: