It seems a part of the script (v5.6) is giving me consistent error on 7.14.1
Screenshot from 2024-03-30 15-33-01.png
It seems in the section where all the access-list are processed/counted, so the section below.
Didn't change anything to the code, just copy-pasted into Winbox.
The ACL "Azure-Lab" is the first ACL I have, so it seems to process all of them correctly...so perhaps the error is in the next section or so ?
Is there a way to diagnose this better?
# Count IP in address-lists
:if ($AddressLists) do={
:local array [ :toarray "" ]
:local addrcntdyn [:toarray ""]
:local addrcntstat [:toarray ""]
:local test
:foreach id in=[/ip firewall address-list find] do={
:local rec [/ip firewall address-list get $id]
:local listname ($rec->"list")
:local listdynamic ($rec->"dynamic")
:if (!($array ~ $listname)) do={ :set array ($array , $listname) }
:if ($listdynamic = true) do={
:set ($addrcntdyn->$listname) ($addrcntdyn->$listname+1)
} else={
:set ($addrcntstat->$listname) ($addrcntstat->$listname+1)}
:foreach k in=$array do={
:log info message=("script=address_lists list=$k dynamic=".(($addrcntdyn->$k)+0)." static=".(($addrcntstat->$k)+0))}
# Get MNDP (CDP) Neighbors
# ----------------------------------
:if ($Neighbor and $run) do={
:foreach neighborID in=[/ip neighbor find] do={
:local nb [/ip neighbor get $neighborID]
:local id [:pick ("$nb"->".id") 1 99]
:foreach key,value in=$nb do={
:local newline [:find $value "\n"]
:if ([$newline]>0) do={
:set value [:pick $value 0 $newline]
:log info message="script=neighbor nid=$id $key=\"$value\""
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