You might be surprised at some of
the things you lose by booting into SwOS. It’s rarely worth it, IMO.
I read your piece tangent. You do have some valid points, and it was obvious that your objective is to show how much better RouterOS even for a switch - and I respect your opinions. Several of your points clearly are intending to be able to take traditional router functions and move them to the switch. While that certainly can be done in some cases, I prefer to leave DHCP, DNS, VPN, etc in the router and I have an external hardware NTP server so none of my Mikrotiks are playing NTP server. I am exclusively using SwitchOS for switches (including a CRS326 that was sent to me in error instead of a CSS326). In fact I have another CSS326 arriving tomorrow for use at a remote radio site where I am running out of ports, and it will be convenient to have one switch on each side of the room. For strictly switch functions, SwitchOS works just fine for me. And VLANs are so easy to set up in SwitchOS.
With that said, there are a couple of your points that are VERY valid:
Although I use WinBox almost exclusively for my routers, I understand the value of a command line interface - your point about posting to a forum is massive!
Lack of encryption / security in SwitchOS.
MSTP would be nice.