Give this a try
Code: Select all
:local version "IP-Scanner-arp_v1.0"
:local note "Compatible with RouterOS versions 6.45.9 & above"
:local scanTime "30"
:local date [/system clock get date]
:local name [/system identity get name]
:put ""
:put "### $version"
:put "### $note"
# Convert date and time for the file name, needed for ROS version 6
:local simplercurrdatetimestr do={
/system clock
:local vdate [get date]
:local vtime [get time]
:local vdoff [:toarray "0,4,5,7,8,10"]
:local MM [:pick $vdate ($vdoff->2) ($vdoff->3)]
:local M [:tonum $MM]
:if ($vdate ~ ".../../....") do={
:set vdoff [:toarray "7,11,1,3,4,6"]
:set M ([:find "xxanebarprayunulugepctovecANEBARPRAYUNULUGEPCTOVEC" [:pick $vdate ($vdoff->2) ($vdoff->3)] -1] / 2)
:if ($M>12) do={:set M ($M - 12)}
:set MM [:pick (100 + $M) 1 3]
:local yyyy [:pick $vdate ($vdoff->0) ($vdoff->1)]
:local dd [:pick $vdate ($vdoff->4) ($vdoff->5)]
:local HH [:pick $vtime 0 2]
:local mm [:pick $vtime 3 5]
:local ss [:pick $vtime 6 8]
:return "$MM-$dd-$yyyy_$HH.$mm.$ss"
:local dateTime [$simplercurrdatetimestr]
# Gather network address from user & find the interface
:delay 2s
:put ""
:put "### Listing available address-list"
:put ""
/ip address print
:put ""
:local requestvalue do={:put $1 ; :return}
:local scanRange [$requestvalue "Enter the address of the interface to scan -- Example:"]
:put ""
:local scanInterface [/ip address get [find where address="$scanRange"] interface]
:put "### Found interface: $scanInterface"
:local fileName "$name_IP-Scan_$scanInterface_$dateTime"
/file remove [find where name=$"fileName".txt]
:delay 2s
# Clear the arp table
:put "### Clearing the arp table"
:local dumplist [/ip arp find]
:foreach i in=$dumplist do={
/ip arp remove $i
# Scan the range, get macs, ip addresses, bridge host interface & ether name comments. Do a mac lookup for each item
:local ipScan ""
:local buffer1 ""
:local vendor
:local arpCount 0
:delay 2s
:put "### Scanning $scanRange for $scanTime seconds. Standby..."
:put ""
:delay 2s
:set $ipScan ($ipScan.[/tool ip-scan address-range="$scanRange" duration=$scanTime])
:put "### Looking up OUI vendor info. Standby...\r\n"
/ip arp
:foreach item in=[find interface=$scanInterface] do={
:local mac [get $item mac-address]
:local arpIP [get $item address]
:local ipScanip "$ipScan$[get $item address]"
:local ipScanmac "$ipScan$[get $item mac-address]"
:if ([:len $mac] > 0) do={
:do {
:local int [/interface bridge host get [find where mac-address=$ipScanmac] interface]
:local comment [/interface ethernet get [find where name=$int] comment]
:local secBit [:pick "$ipScanmac" 1 2 ]
:if ( ($secBit = "2") or ($secBit = "6") or ($secBit = "A") or ($secBit = "E") ) do={
:set vendor "* LOCAL PRIVATE *"} else={
:local vendorResult [/tool fetch url=("".[:pick $ipScanmac 0 8]."/company/name") as-value output=user]
:if (($vendorResult->"status")="finished") do={:set vendor ($vendorResult->"data")}
:delay 0.5}
:if ($vendor = "IEEE Registration Authority") do={
:local vendorResult2 [/tool fetch url=("".[:pick $ipScanmac 0 10]."/company/name") as-value output=user]
:if (($vendorResult2->"status")="finished") do={:set vendor ($vendorResult2->"data")}
:delay 0.5}
:if ($vendor = "IEEE Registration Authority") do={
:local vendorResult3 [/tool fetch url=("".[:pick $ipScanmac 0 13]."/company/name") as-value output=user]
:if (($vendorResult3->"status")="finished") do={:set vendor ($vendorResult3->"data")}
:delay 0.5}
:set $buffer1 ($buffer1."IP: $ipScanip | MAC: $ipScanmac | Interface: $int | Comment: $comment | MLU: $vendor\r\n")
:set arpCount ($arpCount + 1)
} on-error={};
# ARP Clean-up
/ip arp remove [find where !complete]
# Messages
:local title "Identity: $name | Scanned Interface: $scanInterface | Scanned Range: $scanRange | Date: $date | Version: $version\r\n"
:local detected "### Total devices with an address detected on '$scanInterface': $arpCount"
# List the results
:put "$detected"
:put "$buffer1"
:delay 1s
# Put the results in a file
:put "### Writing to file"
/file print file=$fileName
:delay 1s
:execute [/file set $fileName contents="$title\r\n$detected\r\n$buffer1"]
# Instructions
:put "### The file: '$fileName' is located in 'Files' (left sidebar menu)"
:put "### To download the file locally, right click on the file & select download"
:put "### Be sure to delete the file from this device once it's downloaded locally"
:put ""