With 7.16, I am no longer getting log emails being sent immediately after boot.
I have logging setup to send any critical topic to echo, email and remote. With 7.15.3 and earlier, every reboot I would get an email (and syslog, and echo to console) for the ntp time change. With 7.16 the email is no longer sent at boot for the critical topic, however email does work if I send a test. Syslog shows no indication that an email was attempted at boot, but does log when doing the test.
From syslog, this is with 7.15.3
Code: Select all
2024-09-19T07:47:44.224614-04:00 system,critical,info ntp change time Sep/18/2024 23:16:01 => Sep/19/2024 07:47:44
2024-09-19T07:47:48.260212-04:00 e-mail,info sent <system,critical,info ntp change time Sep/18/2024 23:16:01 => Sep/19/2024 07:47:44> to: xxxx@gmail.com
Code: Select all
2024-09-25T02:39:04.234520-04:00 system,info installed system-7.16
2024-09-25T02:39:04.234582-04:00 system,info installed wireless-7.16
2024-09-25T02:39:04.238899-04:00 system,info router rebooted
2024-09-25T02:39:04.238899-04:00 system,info,critical Firmware upgraded successfully, please reboot for changes to take effect!
2024-09-25T02:39:04.238899-04:00 system,info router firmware has been automatically upgraded
2024-09-25T02:39:04.239311-04:00 system,info please reboot router to run new firmware
2024-09-25T02:39:14.202792-04:00 system,clock,critical,info ntp change time Sep/25/2024 02:37:44 => Sep/25/2024 02:39:14
I added topic clock to send an email as a test. The email does send OK when I change clock settings, but not for the ntp time change at boot.
Code: Select all
2024-10-06T22:28:37.965917-04:00 system,info log rule added by winbox-3.41/tcp-msg(winbox):xxx (*C = /system logging add action=email disabled=no prefix="" topics=clock)
2024-10-06T22:29:20.403852-04:00 system,clock,info change time Oct/06/2024 22:29:20 => Oct/06/2024 22:29:19
2024-10-06T22:29:20.421879-04:00 system,info system time zone settings changed by winbox-3.41/tcp-msg(winbox):xxx (/system clock set time-zone-autodetect=yes time-zone-name=America/Montreal; /system clock manual set dst-delta=+00:00 dst-end="1970-01-01 00:00:00" dst-start="1970-01-01 00:00:00" time-zone=+00:00)
2024-10-06T22:29:23.563714-04:00 e-mail,info sent <system,clock,info change time Oct/06/2024 22:29:20 => Oct/06/2024 22:29:19> to: xxxx@gmail.com
2024-10-06T22:31:07.487686-04:00 system,info router rebooted by winbox-3.41/tcp-msg(winbox):xxx
2024-10-06T22:31:14.866017-04:00 system,clock,critical,info ntp change time Oct/06/2024 22:30:54 => Oct/06/2024 22:31:14
2024-10-06T22:44:04.188291-04:00 system,info,account user xxx logged in from <snip> via winbox