I've been running caddy container for a while with the script to update it every 10 days.
After last update - I realized that container is not working.
Using official docker image https://hub.docker.com/_/caddy
Then i've realized, that pulling that container - i get error "error code getting container config: 400" in around 80% of the time, because every, like fifth time, when i try to pull image - it works.
Then I've tried redis image: https://hub.docker.com/_/redis
Same story, succeeds like every 5th time (did not calculate exactly) and fails with the same error as caddy image.
Sometimes i just get this error:
Adguard image for instance having no issues, so I assume - the problem persists only with docker official images, where there is no parent directory, but instead pulling caddy, for instance becomes this remote image "library/caddy" or "library/redis"
Using this repo:
bitnami/redis image, for instance works, but, i gues using official image would be better? I'd like to host caddy on my router as well
Running 7.17rc3
Please, do not propose to manually upload pulled images from PC, that is not an option.