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Avoiding short signal loss

Mon Jan 13, 2025 4:05 pm

Hi everyone
My setup consists of 5 Mikrotik devices.

1x RB3011UiAS-RM - Router
1x cAP XL ac (RBCAPGI-5ACD2ND-XL) - AP Bridge
3x MAP 2nd (RBMAPL-2ND) - Stations

To every Station device there is connected one device which sends data trough AP bridge to server connected to Router.
Data stream takes maximum 3-4Mbps/device so in best scenario there is enough bandwidth (bandwidth test RB->MAP Average 40.9 Mbps/41.1 Mbps) to send it from all 3 stations but the distance between cAP's and MAP change during time and there are situation when signal goes down. During this time data isn't transferred to the server. This is not a problem because devices record data local on buffer and after restoring connection sends missing data to the server.

The problem is when Station is on edge of reception and it lose and retrieve connection for short period of time. In such situation server gets data with really small breaks which cause automatic data download process to fail after connection restores. I found that automatic data retrieval work best when connection breaks are min 3-5min long.

There is even worst situation when signal is weak and bandwidth go under 3-4Mbps and the data is sent but corrupted.

I disabled WIFI B standard to avoid data rates below 6Mbps but it didn't help.
I found that I could do this with Access List but configuration is quite confusing form me.

Is there any way to disconnect station device when the signal strength goes below set value (to avoid bandwidth drop and data corruption) and not connect it back until next 5 min and strong signal restore (to avoid short breaks and automatic data retrieval to fail).

I appreciate any help
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Re: Avoiding short signal loss

Thu Jan 16, 2025 4:38 pm

The AccessList "Trick" is the easiest Solution, or at least worth a try.

If the Devices have a low signal (e.g. signal-range=-120..-80)
No new connections and no existing connections will remain connected after
the set grace period (e.g. allow-signal-out-of-range=1s)