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Help balancing users on Point to Multipoint

Fri Jan 17, 2025 8:20 pm


We have many 5ghz AC Mikrotik wireless access points deployed to provide service to a variety of areas. Some of these areas have too many customers to keep up with the demand for only one AP. In these areas we have deployed multiple AP's to service the same area. Some areas we have up to three AP's pointing in the same direction.

The problem is that we currently have no way of splitting the customer count between AP's in a practical way. Either one AP will become flooded with users and the others completely empty, or we set connection limits and our installers get upset when the devices don't connect etc.

The question is:
Does Mikrotik have a better way of dealing with this issue that we are unaware of? or are there plans to implement a better option?
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Re: Help balancing users on Point to Multipoint

Sat Jan 18, 2025 3:49 pm

I don`t see an easy way to balance the LOAD in RouterOS

You could provide your multipoint AP`s that service the same Area use a different SSID (e.g. SSID1, SSID2, etc..)
The Client-AP`s could be configured to use a "Connect-List" instead of a single Static one.

In this Case for exemple,
Client-AP "A", would be configured to connect to prioritise connection to "SSID1"
In the unlikely event that "SSID1" istn`t available, it would automatically fall back tp "SSID2"

Client-AP "B" would be configured identically, but with exeption that "SSID2" as a prioritise connection instead of "SSID1".
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Re: Help balancing users on Point to Multipoint

Mon Jan 27, 2025 9:36 pm

Different SSID's are not ideal, our whole network uses only one SSID. Is there a way to balance users (not load) without different SSID's?