[admin@HEX] > /container/add remote-image=tangentsoft/speedtest-cli:latest interface=veth1
[admin@HEX] > /container/
[admin@HEX] /container> pr
0 name="70defa36-fdc2-4c2d-a688-2f7b8e3c86ab" tag="tangentsoft/speedtest-cli:latest" os="linux" arch="arm" interface=veth1 mounts="" dns="" workdir="/" status=stopped
[admin@HEX] /container> pr detail
0 name="70defa36-fdc2-4c2d-a688-2f7b8e3c86ab" tag="tangentsoft/speedtest-cli:latest" os="linux" arch="arm" interface=veth1 mounts="" dns="" workdir="/" status=stopped
[admin@HEX] /container> start 0
[admin@HEX] /container> pr
0 name="70defa36-fdc2-4c2d-a688-2f7b8e3c86ab" tag="tangentsoft/speedtest-cli:latest" os="linux" arch="arm" interface=veth1 mounts="" dns="" workdir="/" status=stopped
[admin@HEX] /container>
/container add remote-image=tangentsoft/speedtest-cli:latest interface=veth1 logging=yes
/container start 0
[admin@HEX] /system/device-mode> pr
mode: enterprise
container: yes
/container add remote-image=tangentsoft/iperf3:latest interface=veth1 start-on-boot=yes logging=yes
start 0
Regards.Oļegs Š.5 days ago 2:43 PM
It is a known issue, we hope that fix will be implemented in next public RouterOS version.
Best regards,
And yet I did ...Sweet, now I don't have to try![]()
2024-11-26 17:09:33 container,info,debug layer sha256:4c3160818a1f052453d094c490acbae70caa44bbed5fe8ea47be90c560c515fc
2024-11-26 17:09:33 container,info,debug import successful, container 22b5601d-cd96-45df-a4f6-7b74fa7a592e
2024-11-26 17:09:47 container,info,debug container 22b5601d-cd96-45df-a4f6-7b74fa7a592e started
2024-11-26 17:09:47 container,info,debug Hello, world!
2024-11-26 17:09:47 container,info,debug container 22b5601d-cd96-45df-a4f6-7b74fa7a592e exited, status: 0
2024-11-26 17:09:52 system,info item changed by tcp-msg(winbox):xyz@ (/container set *2 dns="" file=
"" interface=veth1 logging=yes mounts="" remote-image="" workdir=/)
2024-11-26 17:11:03 system,info,account user xyz logged in from via winbox
/container/config/set registry-url=https://registry-1.docker.io tmpdir=disk1/pull
/container/add remote-image=hello-world:latest interface=veth1 root-dir=disk1/hello logging=yes dns=
15:22:33 container,info,debug Hello from Docker!
15:22:33 container,info,debug This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
15:22:33 container,info,debug
15:22:33 container,info,debug To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
15:22:33 container,info,debug 1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
15:22:33 container,info,debug 2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
15:22:33 container,info,debug (arm32v5)
15:22:33 container,info,debug 3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
15:22:33 container,info,debug executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
15:22:33 container,info,debug 4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
15:22:33 container,info,debug to your terminal.
15:22:33 container,info,debug
15:22:33 container,info,debug To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:
15:22:33 container,info,debug $ docker run -it ubuntu bash
15:22:33 container,info,debug
15:22:33 container,info,debug Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID:
15:22:33 container,info,debug https://hub.docker.com/
15:22:33 container,info,debug
15:22:33 container,info,debug For more examples and ideas, visit:
15:22:33 container,info,debug https://docs.docker.com/get-started/
15:22:33 container,info,debug
Got similar response with some specific information.Hello.
MikroTik support confirmed:
Regards.Oļegs Š.5 days ago 2:43 PM
It is a known issue, we hope that fix will be implemented in next public RouterOS version.
Best regards,
Oļegs Š.Yesterday 11:17 PM
This device supports only arm32v5 container images at the moment. We are evaluating the possibility of adding support for arm32v7 images.
For devices with EN7562CT CPU, only arm32v5 container images are supported.
Yeah it be limited. There is no Alpine Linux release for ARMv5, and many images use Alpine inside.... As a result, you cannot even build one yourself local.There is an urgent need for ARMv7 container support for E50UG. Compared to ARMv5, the number of available images for ARMv7 is not even in the same league.
[admin@MikroTik] > /container/print
0 name="5ea49b38-2636-4187-b63c-23eb9c33825a" tag="pihole/pihole:latest" os="" arch="" interface=veth1 envlist="pihole_envs"
root-dir=usb1/pihole mounts=etc_pihole,dnsmasq_pihole status=error
[admin@MikroTik] > ping
0 56 64 270us
1 56 64 235us
2 56 64 239us
3 56 64 239us
4 56 64 244us
sent=5 received=5 packet-loss=0% min-rtt=235us avg-rtt=245us max-rtt=270us
[admin@MikroTik] > ping
0 timeout
1 timeout
2 timeout
3 84 64 119ms879us host unreachable
4 timeout
sent=5 received=0 packet-loss=100%
You should check the previous discussions. Pi-hole does not have an ARMv5 image, so it cannot run the Pi-hole container on the E50UG at present.Not sure I need to open a new thread or just add my situation here,
I have same HEX Refresh (E50UG) router with ROS 7.17.2 and I am trying to install PI-HOLE with Containers.
I followed Mikrotik example: https://help.mikrotik.com/docs/spaces/R ... /Container
but I am not able to make router download image from external library
Thanks, I'll wait and pray to have it available soon.You should check the previous discussions. Pi-hole does not have an ARMv5 image, so it cannot run the Pi-hole container on the E50UG at present.
What about the ping issue?