Is monitoring for multiple sites. Generally keeping the same routes - but nice that with "Secrets/Radius - the routes come and go with the connections/interfaces when they are live (or dead).
Have begun a build of Wireguard - but really struggling with the routes.
Adding Static is an option - but a poor one, but leads to long term issues when forgetting to update.
OSPF - is there, but i've never had luck keeping it stable in ANY scenario, local or VPN... It however is no good, as I want the routes to come into the VPN Concentrator - and not share across the connections (forgot to mention - the WG will be a single subnet at this time - as unlike PTP protocols, a /32 is not that simple). I don't particularly care the routeres are adjacent to each other on the VPN - they will not allow access to each other and the goal is that they will not share routes with each other (a la ospf)
BGP - now, I thought (as with all my previous bgp builds) that BGP was basically point to point - setting up a "Connection" on both ends of an IP link. This is great as you can lock it to sharing with one router, but I presumed meant that not only would i need the 300+ settings on each core - but to add 300+ connections on my VPN concentrator - again, making the management a pain.
However - today - I have found in an initial test, that I can set a subnet on My VPN Concnetrator's BGP and it appears that multiple sessions ARE being established on it - with the single "/routing bgp connection". I need to extend the test to more routers and over wireguard - but this appears to be what I am looking for. The Routes are all passed back to VPN, but only VPN passes back to the clients routers - no multicast and discovery like OSPF and RIP
My Question.
Is this function supported - is it sustainable. Should EVERY BGP be point to point - or is Point to Multipoint BGP a thing. Like, it works - but is there going to be an issue with running one "connection" for all the clients coming in.
For Context - here is the basic BGP code used for the config. IPs are on uplink interfaces and each has an "lo" address to share.
VPN Concentrator
Code: Select all
/routing bgp template
add address-families=ip as=65521 disabled=no input.filter=bgp-in name=temp1 output.default-originate=never .filter-chain=bgp-out \
.redistribute=connected router-id= routing-table=main templates=default
/routing bgp connection
add address-families=ip as=65521 disabled=no input.filter=bgp-in local.role=ibgp name=bgp1 output.default-originate=never .filter-chain=\
bgp-out .redistribute=connected remote.address= .as=65521 router-id= routing-table=main templates=temp1
Code: Select all
/routing bgp template
add address-families=ip as=65521 disabled=no input.filter=bgp-in name=temp1 output.default-originate=never .filter-chain=bgp-out \
.redistribute=connected router-id= templates=default
/routing bgp connection
add address-families=ip as=65521 disabled=no input.filter=bgp-in local.role=ibgp name=bgp1 output.default-originate=never .filter-chain=\
bgp-out .redistribute=connected remote.address= .as=65521 router-id= routing-table=main templates=temp1
Code: Select all
/routing bgp template
add address-families=ip as=65521 disabled=no input.filter=bgp-in name=temp1 output.default-originate=never .filter-chain=bgp-out \
.redistribute=connected router-id= templates=default
/routing bgp connection
add address-families=ip as=65521 disabled=no input.filter=bgp-in local.role=ibgp name=bgp1 output.default-originate=never .filter-chain=\
bgp-out .redistribute=connected remote.address= .as=65521 router-id= routing-table=main templates=temp1