has anyone else tried useing SMB Share on Mikrotik with Veeam Backup Agent 6.x (currently using latest 6.3).
I tried it on Mikrotik hAP-AX3 and ROS 7.15.x til ROS 7.16.1.
Share is on USB (Nvme disk). I tried also other disks and different filesystem in ROS..
I always get this error in Veeam Backup Agent:
Code: Select all
10.1.2025 20:57:13 :: Error: An unexpected network error occurred. Failed to flush file buffers. File: [\\\Backup\Backup\Backup2025-01-10T205627.vbk]. Failed to flush storage file [\\\Backup\Backup\Backup2025-01-10T205627.vbk] Failed to backup text locally. Backup: [VBK: 'veeamfs:0:6745a759-2205-4cd2-b172-8ec8f7e60ef8 (bba13387-1333-41af-98e3-e72a5a7a6c90)\summary.xml@\\\Backup\Backup\Backup2025-01-10T205627.vbk']. Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.BackupText}