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Router has been disconnected (from internet)

Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:17 am


I have a very strange issue with a RB750GL.

I can connect to winbox from the internet, it does resume my last session, I can see the values, but every new window comes empty and in a few seconds I receive the message "router has been disconnected". If I try to uncheck "Load previous session", the winbox will connect, and It will be disconnected again.
I tried to reboot the router but I still have the same issue.
I'm able to connect to webif and telnet without any problem, but winbox always disconnects.
Any suggestions?

Thank you!
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Re: Router has been disconnected (from internet)

Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:21 pm

How stable is your connection at the location of the router and where you are?
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Re: Router has been disconnected (from internet)

Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:04 pm

Veja no Firewall se não há nenhuma regra que interfira na porta TCP 8291
See the Firewall if there is no rule that interferes with the TCP port 8291
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Re: Router has been disconnected (from internet)

Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:59 am

Thanks leo and cbrown.

- The internet is actually very stable, the weird thing is: it's not random disconnects the I get disconnected a few seconds after winbox connects. I can one or 2 windows comming up and then it just dies.
- The weirdest thing is: I configured openvpn between my home router and this remote router. using the vpn ip it connects and work without any problem. using the public ip, i get those disconnections.
- also there's no firewall rule for port 8291

Any other suggestions?
Thank you.
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Re: Router has been disconnected (from internet)

Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:33 am

Try changing the winbox port from 8291 to something else.
/ip service print
get the number for winbox <num>
/ip service set <num> port=xxxx
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Re: Router has been disconnected (from internet)

Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:21 am

I am not really that certain with what the problem is with in this implementation but I am guessing that it is with another rule that sort of interferes with the port that you are using for the firewall to get past.

But if that should not be the issue, I would likely get a hold of how stable the internet connection is in my area just to be sure about it that it is not the fault of the connection altogether.