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PPTP VPN client does not see LAN addresses on PPTP VPN server

Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:12 am

Dear Sirs, Im new in mikrotik.
I use one mikrotik (MTK1) in purpose of PPTP VPN server, and succesfuli configure server.

MTK1 on site1 (electric service):
internet ->router DMZ all trafic to, (LAN= -> MTK1, WAN=, LAN= -> switch -> PC with LAN=;

from office that is site 2 im create Windows7 VPN client that succesfuli can connect to MTK1 and can see PC, all is great, client get ip addres from pool an connection is estabilished.

In next step i truy to use another mikrotik (MTK2) in my office for purpose making PPTP VPN client that will be connected to PPTP VPN server insted of Windows7.
internet -> router DMZ all trafic to WAN of MTK2 -> MTK2, WAN=, LAN= -> switch -> PC with LAN=
Sucesfuly connect client to server, and client use addres from pool, but i can not see PC on server side with address, im only see MTK1 lan

Need help

P.S. My idea is to bridge two lans of two mikrotik in one LAN network with same subnet, over internet. Is this posible?