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FaSaS function

Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:32 pm

I present a small, in my opinion, convenient function that allows you to create scripts from files, import scripts and functions, define functions from scripts. It can be used for convenient installation of multi-script systems on the router. Maybe someone from the guru will supplement and correct.

# Function (Functions & Scripts Auto Setup) (FaSaS)
#                by Sertik 13/03/2023

# variants $1:
# $1 = txt, rsc, fnc, run

# Examples usage:
# [$FuncFaSAs txt file1 script1] - creates a script named script1 ($3) from a text file file1 ($2)
# [$FuncFaSas rsc script2.rsc] - imports a script with the specified name ($2)
# [$FuncFaSas rsc script3.rsc "http://urlpatch"] - loads from a remote resource $3 and imports the script, gives it the name $2
# [$FuncFaSas fnc myFunc script4] - creates a function named $2 from a script named $3, checking its presence in the repository
# [$FuncFaSas run script5] - executes the $2 script, checking its presence in the repository

# the function logs the results of its work and returns the corresponding errors

:global FuncFaSaS do={

:local isp false
:local ferrans "ERROR function $0 type $1:"
:if ($1="txt") do={:set isp true
#  add scriptin repository from file (.txt)
                :do {
#                /system script set name=$3 source=[/file get [find where name=$2] contents]
                  :if ([:len [/system script find name=$3]]!=0) do={[/system script remove $3]} 
                  /system script add name=$3 source=[/file get [find where name=$2] contents]
                  :log warning ("$0: Add $3 script from file $2 is done")
                  } on-error={:log error ("$ferrans add script < $3 >  from file < $2 >")
                                    :return ("$ferrans error add script $3 from file $2")}

:if ($1="rsc") do={:set isp true
# import or download & import script library (.rsc)
              :if ([:len $3]=0) do={
                :do {
                 :import $2;
                 :log warning "$0: import < $2 > script is done"
                  } on-error={:log error ("$ferrans error import script file < $2 >")
                                  :return ("$ferrans error import script file $2")}
                } else={ 
                :do {
                /tool fetch url=$3
               :log warning "$0: download < $2 > from < $3 > is done"
                :import $2
               :log warning "$0 import < $2 > script is done";
                   } on-error={:log error ("$ferrans could not load or import script file < $2 > from < $3 >")
                   :return ("$ferrans could not load or import script file < $2 > from < $3 >")}

:if ($1="fnc") do={:set isp true
# installed function from script 
             if ([:len [/system script find name $3]]=0) do={
                 :log error ("$ferrans function < $2 > not define but script < $3 > not found")  
                 :return "$ferrans script < $3 > not found"}
             :do {
                  :exec script=":global \"$2\" [:parse [/system script get $3 source]]";
                 } on-error={:log error ("$ferrans declare function < $2 > or get source script < $3 >");
                 :return ("$ferrans declare function < $2 > or get source script < $3 >")}
                :log warning  ("Function $0: defined function < $2 >  from script < $3>")

:if ($1="run") do={:set isp true
# run script in repository
             if ([:len [/system script find name $2]]=0) do={
                              :log error ("$ferrans script < $2 > not found")  
                              :return "$ferrans script < $2 > not found"}
            :do {
            /system script run $2
           :log warning "script $2 is run"
              } on-error={
            :log error "$ferrans script < $2 > error script code"
            :return "$ferrans script $2 error script code"}
:if ($isp) do={:return "Done"} else={:return ("ERROR function $0: bad $1 parameter")} 

# end func FaSaS

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