First off - THANK YOU for the DNS resolving address-lists - this makes whitelisting domains (for things like Chromebooks) SO SIMPLE.
I have a couple of requests for quality of life improvements for the winbox/webfig interfaces as follows:
A tree based system for address-lists.
The "trunk" of the tree being the address-list name, then expanded one layer to show the ip-only entries above dns entries then expanded to the third layer (yes, we're going three layers deep) to show ip addresses of those dns entries.
This would make it a great deal easier to manage instead of the mess that the current list shows.
It should be doable without having to change the way the internals of the address-lists work. DNS Entries already add a 'comment' to an IP entry to show which domain they belong to. So use that to work out where in the tree they live.
If a DNS entry resolves to an IP address already contained within the list - could it be added anyway but disabled just as a visual reference that there is no issue with the DNS entry (eg. typo). It would have to be automatically re-enabled if the address disappeared from the list.
Code: Select all
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IP Addresses marked with a * are disabled because they appear elsewhere in the address-list already