Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:39 am
So I am not sure if I just got a bunk unit but I have been able to work around some issues.....still not there yet. No matter which pc I try, I can never ever connect via eth01 via MAC after a reset or complete removal of config. However, I have most luck resetting to how it comes, connecting to it's SSID then plug eth01 to my home router and let it pull a DHCP address...I then eliminate the firewall filters for eth01 then connect pc to my home router and configure wlan01 as station. I have been able to successfully get internet out of eth01 issue is I cannot see the host on eth01 from my home router. I will post the configuration I have gotten to so far when o get home......I think I need to just set this up as station-pseudobridge. Basically I'm trying to make this a Wi-Fi adapter for a wired unit only. Plug it in to eth01 to laptop, turn it on and it connects to WiFi and from other devices on my wifi/network I should be able to see said laptop, as I can with all other devices on my network. With work and family, I don't get much time to mess with this thing. I'm sure I need to do some NAT/Firewall/Routes stuff but not sure where to start as when I start making changes now I end up locking it up and having to start over.....also is there a way to change the default config file it uses when you hold the reset button down?