I have the same problem that everyone in this thread. In my case:
Router hex with routerOS 6.40.9 and dude server installed v6.40.9.
Winbox service working on port number XXXX (different from 8291).
Connected to "dude" server with dude windows client v6.40.9, and trying to add the same hex router, but I get the following error message:
"connect failed: Connection refused(146) (6), next attempt at 21:16:36"
I have done the following:
- Winbox service is allowed from the router hex IP (same than dude server).
- User "admin" has dude privilege and is allowed from the router hex IP.
- Added the following firewall rules:
;;; Accept Dude
chain=input action=accept protocol=tcp src-address-list=support port=2210,2211,8291 log=no
;;; Acepta Winbox
chain=input action=accept protocol=tcp src-address-list=support dst-port=XXXX log=no
And finally I put the following NAT rule, and I didn't work......
I had the same problem here, since I don't use default port on our mikrotik devices.
What I did to solve my problem was a simple NAT rule on the devices I wanted to use the RouterOS tab from The Dude, as follows:
# Enable Dude - RouterOS Access
/ip firewall nat
add action=redirect chain=dstnat comment="Accepts connections via RouterOS - Dude" \
dst-port=8291 protocol=tcp src-address=THE_DUDE_SERVER_IP to-ports=WHATEVER_PORT_YOU_DEFINED
/ip firewall nat move [find comment="Accepts connections via RouterOS - Dude"] 0
It simply monitors the input connections from The Dude server, and if any match the default port for Winbox (which is the one used by The Dude to connect to the ROS) it redirects it to the right port.
I have about 200 devices working just fine like this.
Could anyone help me please? I do not know what else I can do....
Thank you in advance.