We provide a public WiFi system and are using a Router board as our Gateway / Firewall. We also have our own DNS server which also provide content filtering and need to be able to stop all other DNS traffic on a specific vlan going out other than to our own server. i.e. stop clients from using A.N.Other DNS server other than the one provided via DHCP.
All clients get allocated an IP, GW and DNS address via a DHCP scope on vlan 101. We also have vlan 1 for our infrastructure which uses the internal Router board DNS server and a forwarder which i need to keep as is. The IP address assigned to clients is
I'm presuming i need a drop rule based on Vlan traffic 101 ( or subnet ) for All outbound traffic using port 53, and then another rule only allowing Vlan 101 ( or subnet ) port 53 traffic to our DNS server(s).
I'm not sure if this needs to be two rules or if i can combine it into 1. Also does 1 rule take precedence over another? If so what would be the correct order
I have looked at other posts, e.g https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Force_us ... DNS_server but this simply redirects all traffic to a specific DNS address where as i need it to work only on a specif Vlan. However we did try it ( changing the IP address to our external DNS server ) as a test based on all traffic and we couldn't get it working anyway

Of pointers would be appreciated.