For DHCP option I did this : /ip dhcp-server option add code=43 name=Ruckus value='' , is that correct?
I have neither the Ruckus documentation nor a crystal ball, so I can't say, but likely not as Option 43 is for vendor specific information so I'd expect its internal structure to be more complex.
But wait, there's Google search, and a search for "ruckus dhcp option 43" reveals
this page.
for MAC with zeros , I'm not talking about one client, leases display all the client's MAC are with zeros ( for info the client are Ruckus WAP).
please note that in the same router I have a second dhcp pool for GUEST and it's working fine (the dhcp display the correct MAC address), the issue is only happen with the pool for Ruckus that related to ruckus APs or something wrong in the mikrotik configuration?
Please note that there is no setting which would make Mikrotik's /ip dhcp-server or /ip pool behave in a special way in this regard. But from what you wrote it comes out that all the clients which are reported as having MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:00 have
two things in common:
- they use the same server and pool
- they are Ruckus WAPs
. So what about connecting one of the WAPs to the port served by the server/pool which doesn't show any problem and see whether the issue follows the WAP or not?