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Force OpenDNS and Safe Search on a vlan only

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 7:32 pm
by neilstuckey
I recently bought a hap ac2 device as i found one of my kids was figuring out how to get past OpenDNS adult site filter i set on our Asus home router. Now i already have firewall rules to force all DNS to go through the router to prevent someone from manually entering DNS on a device to avoid the filter. Thats working fine. I also set static DNS entries to force googe, bing, yahoo safe searches. However would anyone know how to force OpenDNS filtering and safe search for a vlan only ? Or i suppose i could do it by DHCP server IP range too like for example set all in DHCP range to force the filter. Anyways looking for advice and options.

Re: Force OpenDNS and Safe Search on a vlan only

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:30 pm
by cdiedrich
You should be good to set src-address in your dst-nat rules matching the subnet of your specific vlan.
If you have more address spaces to cover, you might be better off with an address list.

And I think your post is better placed in General.
