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R11e-LTE - configuration help

Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:57 pm

I am new to this.
I am wating to get a Mokrotic CCR1009 router and in order to use it as a nodal point to a subnet.
Just upgrading my system I bought an R11-LTE which I understand is an eSIM basically, and now I need some configuration help.
IS there someone in ITaly that deals with italina eSIM ISPs? TIM sells one, but to be configured with a file to be downloaded thorugh a QCODE withthe cellphone, so I am stuck.

Sto passando ora da un mondo di router da Euronics al Mikrotic, perchè ho troppo punti di domotica e cam e ho bisogno di più NAT rules e MAC-IP link per i SONOFF, a cui non posso dare un IP statico nella mia rete.
Ho infatti una rete interna abbastanza complessa sia in collegamenti LAN che WIFI e così ho comperato un CCR1009-7G-1C-1S+PC che mi deve arrivare domani o dopodomani. Dovrà gestire l'interfaccia tra la mia rete interna e il router per il mondo esterno con la solita connessione LAN-->WAN. Gestirà pertanto il NAT e le MAC-IP link rules. Non deve fare da WIFI in quanto ho tre punti WIFI con MAC filter che fanno da entry point, in giro per la rete cablata.

Già che c'ero - crepi l'avarizia - ho preso anche ia scheda R11eLTE con relativi cavi e antenna (che arriva solo il 22.05 per cui ho tempo per capire) con l'idea di usare la connessione via SIM, eventualmente come backup.
Ora se ho capito bene la R11e è una eSIM e devo caricarvi i dati del provider, giusto? Ho visto le istruzione della TIM ma danno un QCODE che ovviamente va bene per i telefonini ma non qui.
Qualcuno mi può dare un aiuto?

Appena arriva il router devo poi imparare come configurare il nattaggio per permette l'accesso alle telecamere interne e ai VCR da fuori! Inoltre devo vedere cosa settare per permettere la domotica cloud tipo SONOFF con EWELINK di funzionare. Ma ho tempo, il lato buono della quarantena!

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Re: R11e-LTE - configuration help

Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:25 pm

Hmm, R11e-LTE with "USB WWAN mPCIe SIM adapter" in CCR maybe not works because you cannot setup in CCR the USB type=mPCIe :(
You can connect it to USB OTG cable and check if lte1 interface will show, the Resource>USB will be new usb device.
Write your feedback here !

Please read this: ... _port_type
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Re: R11e-LTE - configuration help

Wed Apr 29, 2020 10:53 pm

Hi Guido!
I use R11e-LTE on Wind3 in Italy. It's not an eSIM modem.
It need a external reader for a normal SIM (usually a full-size SIM in the Mikrotik device that are ready for it, like the WAP R, WAP AC R, LtAP R, LHG R, ecc ecc).
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Re: R11e-LTE - configuration help

Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:17 pm

I got a USB-PCI board with a SIM slot on it, as CCR does non have an active SIM slot.
I conncete teh USB poard with the R11e_LTE connected to it.
In winbox actually a new Lte1 interface came up.
Now I have to test it with a SIM.
I have WIND3 too, sid you change any setting from the default one?

PS: I am guido2020 as I had to change the nick
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Re: R11e-LTE - configuration help

Fri May 01, 2020 12:38 pm

So for CCR and R11e-LTE:

1. setutp through the USB of the CCR1009 works. lte1 come up in the interfeces menu
2. SIM (italian WIND3) connects to its cell and I can see it in th lte1 parameters says also password ok, correct as there should no password for connetion to ISP)
3. It seams NOT to work so, at one point it tells me "modem not configured" ... I don't now ho to confiure
4. tried to connect the R11e to a USB port of a PC running FEDORA 31: il sees it, con configure APN, runs searching connection but then aborts ..
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Re: R11e-LTE - configuration help

Sun May 03, 2020 12:14 pm

So for CCR and R11e-LTE:
1. setutp through the USB of the CCR1009 works. lte1 come up in the interfeces menu
2. SIM (italian WIND3) connects to its cell and I can see it in th lte1 parameters says also password ok, correct as there should no password for connetion to ISP)
Then SIM works and have signal from ISP.
My example:
> /interface lte apn print
Flags: * - default
0 * name="sim_a---default" apn="internet" add-default-route=yes default-route-distance=2
> /interface lte print
Flags: X - disabled, R - running
0 R name="lte1" mtu=1480 mac-address=AC:50:43:1A:EE:FD apn-profiles=sim_a---default network-mode=lte band=3
What's your?
3. It seams NOT to work so, at one point it tells me "modem not configured" ... I don't now ho to confiure
Show screenshot, show logs from topic=lte .
Without that I not know what you a problem have.
4. tried to connect the R11e to a USB port of a PC running FEDORA 31: il sees it, con configure APN, runs searching connection but then aborts ..
To works with other OS you must know all AT commands to provide it and start the band. R11e-* are MikroTik device for MikroTik RouterBoard devices and only for them, means no other drivers for other OS.
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Re: R11e-LTE - configuration help

Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:09 pm

Hello how are you?
I have a small problem, I already installed the modem for slot 1, it recognizes it and everything fine, but now I want to know how to make the device change sim automatically with some script, in addition to knowing how to activate the sms, to achieve that when receiving An SMS with the secret followed by some command, I resent the information with the sender's number, but you can help me with this, thank you.

This is the script that I had found in but I do not understand very well, I created the script and a task in netwach but it does not make the change, it remains marking error.

# Setup and read current values, "up" SIM slot will be used for roaming, "down" for home network
: global simSlot [/ system routerboard sim get sim-slot]
: global timeoutLTE 60
: global timeoutConnect 60

# Wait for LTE to initialize for maximum "timeoutLTE" seconds
: local i 0
: local isLTEinit false
: while ($ i <$ timeoutLTE) do = {
: foreach n in = [/ interface lte find] do = {: set $ isLTEinit true}
: if ($ isLTEinit = true) do = {
: set $ i $ timeoutLTE
: set $ i ($ i + 1)
: delay 1s

# Check if LTE is initialized, or try power-reset the modem
: if ($ isLTEinit = true) do = {
# Wait for LTE interface to connect to mobile network for maximum "timeoutConnet" seconds
: local isConnected false
: set $ i 0
: while ($ i <$ timeoutConnect) do = {
: if ([/ interface lte get [find name = "lte1"] running] = true) do = {
: set $ isConnected true
: set $ i $ timeoutConnect
: set $ i ($ i + 1)
: delay 1s
# Check if LTE is connected
if ($ isConnected = true) do = {
: local Info [/ interface lte info [find name = "lte1"] once as-value]
: local isRoaming ($ Info -> "roaming")
# Check which SIM slot is used
: if ($ simSlot = "down") do = {
# If "down" (home) slot, check roaming status
: if ($ isRoaming = true) do = {
: log info message = "Roaming detected, switching to SIM UP (Roaming)"
/ system routerboard sim set sim-slot = up
} else = {
# Else "up" (roaming) slot, check roaming status
: if (! $ isRoaming = true) do = {
: log info message = "Not roaming, switching to SIM DOWN (Home)"
/ system routerboard sim set sim-slot = down
} else = {
: log info message = "LTE interface did not connect to network, wait for next scheduler"
} else = {
: log info message = "LTE modem did not appear, trying power-reset"
/ system routerboard usb power-reset duration = 5s
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Re: R11e-LTE - configuration help

Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:36 pm

Hello how are you?
...I want to know how to make the device change sim automatically with some script, in addition to knowing how to activate the sms, to achieve that when receiving An SMS with the secret followed by some command,
Long vacation and I back to forum.

The easy way is just main command to check current slot and change it.
Differ is in ros6 and ros7.
When you have that script who do a swat sim slots then you can run it like any other script.

Swap Sim Slot for ROSv6:
if ([system routerboard modem get sim-slot ] = "a") do={
  log warning "LTE SIM SLOT will change to B"
  system routerboard modem set sim-slot=b
} else={
  log warning "LTE SIM SLOT will change to A"
  system routerboard modem set sim-slot=a

Swap Sim Slot for ROSv7:
if ([interface/lte/settings/get sim-slot ] = "a") do={
  log warning "LTE SIM SLOT will change to B"
  interface/lte/settings/set sim-slot=b
} else={
  log warning "LTE SIM SLOT will change to A"
  interface/lte/settings/set sim-slot=a

Run script by one command like:
/system scripts run NameOfYourScript


SMS works very good.
You can grab new incomming and re-send them to other mobile number or send them to your e-mail etc.
Read a mikrotik wiki -> sms section
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Re: R11e-LTE - configuration help

Tue Sep 07, 2021 8:15 pm

Friendly rewriting;

Swap Sim Slot for ROSv6, only when two SIM slot are present on device:
/system routerboard modem
:if ([get sim-slot] = "a") do={
    :log warning "LTE SIM SLOT will change to B"
    set sim-slot=b
} else={
    :log warning "LTE SIM SLOT will change to A"
    set sim-slot=a

Swap Sim Slot for ROSv7, only when two SIM slot are present on device:
:if ([get sim-slot] = "a") do={
    :log warning "LTE SIM SLOT will change to B"
    set sim-slot=b
} else={
    :log warning "LTE SIM SLOT will change to A"
    set sim-slot=a
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Re: R11e-LTE - configuration help

Tue Jan 10, 2023 3:53 pm

Hello everyone.

I have a RBM33G with an LTE modem and an adapter with a SIM card. I want to change the dual SIM adapter to this ->
Will such a dual SIM work in RoS 7.x and will I switch SIM?
I searched on my RBM33G for the commands shown in this topic and found none.
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Re: R11e-LTE - configuration help

Tue Jan 10, 2023 4:01 pm

Don't hijack other threads,

and what do you think, that MikroTik tests all the products in the world?

Want to know if anyone has already used it?
Maybe open your own topic with a suitable title.
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Re: R11e-LTE - configuration help

Tue Jan 10, 2023 6:49 pm

and what do you think, that MikroTik tests all the products in the world?
I don't think MikroTik tests all products in the world. I think some nice user tried this and will kindly share his experience.

Don't hijack other threads,
Want to know if anyone has already used it?
Maybe open your own topic with a suitable title.
I thought this was a dual SIM topic and relevant to my question. Since there are other rules here, I'll start my own topic.
Thank you.

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