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iPhones, work and school computers not communicating fully

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 7:07 pm
by r1bill
When I connect my work PC or my kids school PC to connecting appears to be incomplete. Maybe the connection is too slow to get the data? My work laptop outlook works but the vpn has difficulty connecting and Microsoft Teams doesn't load fully. My iPhone don't want to connect (or are very slow) either. Even after turning off private addressing. My personal computer and laptop work perfectly. Have no issue watch full HD youtube videos. The work and school computers work fine if I slave them off of my iPhone. The Mikrotic AC gets it data from a Groove. Are there some settings somewhere that I need to change?

Re: iPhones, work and school computers not communicating fully

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:53 pm
by cdiedrich

This is the only possible answer to your question.
Without knowing anything about your setup, nobody can help you.
There's obviously no switch "make everything work perfectly" which is disabled by default.and has just to be turned on.

So please share some information with us, the minimum would be this:

Which model?
Which firmware?
What's your uplink? You said it's coming from a Groove - is that your device or your provider's CPE? Which IP are you getting from there?
Where are those devices located, how far is it to the clients? What's the clients' hardware?
What is going on in your network while affected devices have problems?
Post a config of your router.
If the groove is in your possesion, post a config of it too.
Post logs.

Then you have a chance to get help.
Good luck!