remove user have a transfer limit and Validity not end from user manager in mikirotik and save log to file
please make backup from your user manager database frist
script :
Code: Select all
create script tiftokremove
قم بانشاء الاسكربت باسم tiftokremove
please make backup for your db frist
##dev : khaled almalsi
## this script is free 100%
## {"profilename1";"profilename2"}
:local profilename { "P500M";"P1G"};
## {profilelimit1;profilelimit2}
:local profilelimit { 512 ;1024};
:delay 5s;
: local contentss "" ;
: set contentss ($contentss."<html> <head></head><body>") ;
:for O from=0 to=([:len $profilename]-1) step=1 do={
:foreach i in [/tool user-manager user find where actual-profile=($profilename->$O)] do={
:local upload
:set upload [/tool user-manager user get $i upload-used]
:local download
:set download [/tool user-manager user get $i download-used]
:global cardusername
:set cardusername [/tool user-manager user get $i user]
:local total ((($upload+$download)/1024)/1024) ;
:set upload ((($upload)/1024)/1024)
:set download ((($download)/1024)/1024)
if ($total=($profilelimit->$O)) do={
:local newdata "the user is $cardusername upload is $upload and download is $download total is $total" ;
: set contentss ($contentss ."<br />". $newdata)
[/tool user-manager user remove $i]
: set contentss ($contentss ."</body></html>")
:put [$contentss]
:local date [/system clock get date]
:local time [/system clock get time]
:local filec ("removelogstat-".[:pick $date 7 11]."-".[:pick $date 0 3]."-".[:pick $date 4 6]."-".[:pick $time 0 2].[:pick $time 3 5].".html")
:local script2write [/system script get [/system script find where name=tiftokremove] source ]
:execute script=$script2write file=$filec
how to work in english :