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7.1.1 + 7.2rc1 CLI freezes related to routing (and other issues)

Wed Jan 26, 2022 11:50 am

Hi Gang

Anyone else with those issues with Ros7?

When I do a:


often I get no output and the whole router starts to behave strangely. I guess something crashes internally, but I get nothing in the logs.

Same with


I also noticed, that my dynamic default routes (created from PPPoE Link) do NOT show in the WebGUI.
They show on the CLI when this is working.

And furthermore, every couple of days, I loose the dynamic PPPoE link created default routes (ipv4 and ipv6). I have now added static default routes to the PPPoE interface (ipv6 only worked via CLI as the WebGUI states ::/0 being an invalid ipv6 route DOH!) => Noting in the Log when this happens.

Anyone else experiencing those issues?
Is it safe to downgrade back to ROS 6 of do I loose my config?
