Dear all,
I own a small hill 100m above my summer house with 160° view on 20 km around. It is ideal place to install a LoRaWan gateway. I am on top of a commercial 4G tower (maybe 50 meters higher and 2 km away). I have a direct sight from my summer houses to the top of the hill. The wAP LR8 is working well outside my house and I can connect kilometers away but I would like to boost coverage develop LoRa in this rural area.
What equipment is need for building a solar station to output enough power for a wAP R8 gateway with LoRa and Wifi working 24h/day ? Do you have experience with it ? The other solution would be to dig a trench on 500 meter but 1) I need to cross a road and the road belongs to the state 2) I would cost a lot of money and can be hard to install. So I was thinking about a solar system.
I have difficulties understanding how to size solar system as Specs indicate Max power consumption 7W but we do not know the voltage 9-30V thus I don't know how many amps are needed.
I found this on the wiki :
Do you have experience with a solar system and can you share it?
Kind regards,