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Dude for Multi User System

Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:51 am

So, I have a little bit of a prickly one.

Have Dude on a Remote Desktop Server - Not running VMs - just flat (I don't like the idea of running VM's in a VM)

Have ~ 7 users.
Admin has direct access to ~\Program Files (x86)\Dude\datadude.viw... all g.
2-4 users (numbers unconfirmed) have "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Dude\data\dude.viw that is populating "saved" server information. It auto re-builds when removed.
All others are read only to the Main file and will not attempt to write a VirtualStore one.
These are all users on the same machine.

Ok... I think I may have found the hiccup... however I am not sure exactly why.

I have been moving the User Profiles to another drive with more available space -and although I am leaving the C:\Users\<users> in place (with permisiions), if the dude was not started before the user migration - this files is not made - and although the new drive has the same files structure - and there is still access to the Old Files - Dude will not add the VirtualStore File.

IF the dude was opened before moving the User files - then the file is created and although all the data is moved to the new drive - the Dude client continues to use this original file.

I have tried re-building the file structure to replace/add this file. I have also re-copied back the files from the 1st copy and nothing appears to recover it.
If the Files are "removed" at the "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\" level - they will rebuild themselves (tested) - however if the APPDATA directory is gone, shes "game over man".

I guess my questions is does anyone now a way of telling the dude client where to save it's settings for users and servers on Windows. At this stage, the only way to recover will be to blow away the new users (2 - maybe 3)and start again... Is quite an invlovled process in onboarding with the "not C:\" home drive - but I am confident I have tested enough that I can make it stick (Solution I have is to open dude on first login before all changes are made).

Any insight will be appreciated.

p.s. to anyone thinking "you need to allow user permissions to the ~\Program Files (x86)\Dude\datadude.viw"... this is not suitable (as multi user/change tracking) and also not the case - as I have at least 4 users (just confirmed) that have their own dude.viw in their respective VirtualStore Folder (luckily enough all the non local ones).

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